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Meet Louis!

One of the newest characters in the Ice Age series, Louis is usually thought to be a hedgehog. In reality, he is a mixed hybrid - part hedgehog, but also part mole, giving him the looks of a hedgehog, the skills and claws of a mole, but the personality of neither.

Louis, voiced by Josh Gad, was yet another "mold-breaker" in the series, as the hedgehogs before him were described as brick-red, grumpy, spiky characters.

Louis broke this mold by being a mostly light brown, whitish color, and having a personality that is anything BUT grumpy, being polite, shy, quiet, intelligent, and brave.

Peaches, the teenage daughter of Manny and Ellie, is Louis's best and only friend. Due to his being a hybrid, he is labeled an "outcast". The same has been done to Peaches because of her family, therefore bonding the two because of their rejections.

Louis is also obviously in love with Peaches, who is the only one oblivious to the fact, and instead has her heart set on a "cool" mammoth named Ethan. Manny dislikes both Ethan and Louis, Ethan because he's too modern, and Louis because he's too shy, not to mention an animal smaller then himself.

Manny was also the one who coined Louis's nickname, "Weiner", which Crash and Eddie find amusing and Louis, mean.

When the herd is split up, during the migration to a safer place, the Land Bridge, Peaches starts hanging out with Ethan and his club, the Brat Pack, and the possums befriend Louis, although not enough so that they stop teasing him.

Louis helps Peaches become part of the Brat Pack, hoping that if she is, she'll finally be happy, but Peaches instead starts turning into one of them.

The blow is finally struck when the Brat Pack start teasing her about being friends with Louis, who they think is a "freak". Peaches, desperate not to lose her position in the club, denies that she and Louis are friends. Louis, who earlier went looking for Peaches, overhears her denial and leaves, broken-hearted.

When Peaches is later captured by the pirate ape, Captian Gutt, the herd tries to rescue her, but fail. Seconds before Gutt would have killed her, Louis suddenly reappears and challenges Gutt to a fight. The deal? If Louis wins, Gutt must release Peaches. If Gutt wins, he can kill Louis.

Gutt is pleased with the deal and accepts, even having Gupta give Louis a knife as a weapon.

Ironically, the knife looks exactly like the knife of another new character, Buck, who appeared in the third movie. Buck was present at the birth of Peaches and is known for living underground. As Buck made only a cameo appearance in Ice Age 4, the makers created Louis as a replacement.

The two are nothing alike - Louis's shyness, thinking ahead, and quiet voice to Buck's bluntness, never thinking ahead, and always screaming voice, with a lot of insanity to boot.

However, they both have three identical traits: They both live underground, they both love their friends, (neither have a family) and both have no fear of the most deadly foes, whether Gutt or Rudy. Thus, Buck's knife is a connection to the two characters.

Louis never used the knife - at least, not the way Gutt expected. Louis threw the weapon into the air and, while everyone was watching it, burrowed underground, burst out of the ice next to Gutt, and slammed a chunk of ice on his foot, forcing Gutt to release Peaches in pain.

The herd attacked - and won. Afterward, their home was destroyed by an earthquake, and the Ice Age herd moved to an island on the ocean. Peaches apologized to Louis for rejecting him, and the two became friends again.

Manny also finally accepted Louis as part of the herd, Louis kept Buck's knife, and the Brat Pack even nicknamed him "Bravalicious" after his battle with Gutt.

So, that's Louis. The hedgehog that loves Peaches, saved the gang, and changed the world.

All because he did it HIS way.

Peaches: Louis? I ... I can't believe you did that ... for me.

Louis: Someone once told me ... you never leave a friend behind!

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