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The guardian angel (Clarence) jumps into the water, knowing that George Bailey will jump in and save him, rather than committing suicide by jumping into the freezing water to drown himself.

In the 1946 movie, Clarence Odbody was played by Henry Travers, and George Bailey was played by Jimmy Stewart.

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The bridge scene was actually filmed on the movie studio's backlot.

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Q: Who is the man who jumped from the bridge in It's a Wonderful Life?
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Where was the man when the man jumped off the bridge?

Obviously, he was in a state of desperation.QED

Riddle Where was the man when he jumped off the bridge?

The man was between "the" and "when". *Or* "Where was the man when he jumped off the bridge?" The answer would be difficult because of the way we see this form of the verb "to be." To answer that he was in the air would be wrong because that was after he jumped. To answer that he was on the bridge would be equally wrong because that would be before he jumped. If, however, we say he was in the "process of jumping," we may be on the right tract. We have to think that "isness" or "wasness" is not static but in a process of becoming.

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A secondhand account is one of which that your getting it from someone other then the actual witness. example That man witnessed someone fall from the bridge and jumped to save him. Your first hand is witnessing the man jumping in to save him. Your second hand is that that man said he saw someone else fall from the bridge.

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