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It's probably Ben Nelson of Nebraska.

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Q: Who are the most conservative democrats in the US Senate?
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Who control us senate?

The Democrats hold a majority in the Senate.

Why do democrats hate the us military?

Most Military are more conservative in their political beliefs and have respect for our institutions. They are clearly not the Democrats constituency.

How did the democrats did in the senate election?

As of now, the Democrats in the US Senate lost 8 seats to the Republicans. There will be more Republicans in the Senate, now, than Democrats, meaning the the Republicans will control the Senate. They already control the House.

What party controls the US Senate today?

the Democrats control the Senate in 2011

Who control the US?

The Democrats hold a majority in the Senate.

Which party currently holds a majority of seats in the US Senate?


How many seats did the Democrats loose in the 2014 mid-term elections to lose control of the US senate?

The Democrats lost seven seats in the 2014 mid-term elections to lose control of the US senate

How many Democrats in California Senate?

In the US Congress it is 34 Democrats and 19 Republicans.

What changed in the elections of 2006?

The Democrats became the majority party in the US Senate.

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Is the NRA considered to be a politically conservative organization?

Yes, for the most part because Liberals and Democrats are the people the are trying so hard to protest us from.

Is Virginia a Republican or democratic state?

It has a Democratic Governor and a Republican Lieutenant Governor and at the state level a Democratic Senate and a Republican House. Both US Senators are democrats and the US House delegates are divided six to five in favor of the democrats. Call it a swing state but it is still a conservative southern state.