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Q: Who is the person whom one is descended?
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Who is a person from whom one is descended?

You are descended from ancestors.

Person from whom your father or mother is descended?

An ancestor is a person from whom one's father or mother is descended. There are many ways to trace your heritage through your ancestry and the Internet has made that easier.

What is an ascendancy?

An ascender is a portion of a lower-case letter which extends above the midline of a typeface.

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What is the definition of 'ancestor'?;&circ;&Atilde;&brvbar;ns&Eacute;&rsaquo;st&Eacute;&trade;r or, especially Brit., -s&Eacute;&trade;st&Eacute;&trade;r/ 1. a person from whom one is descended; forebear; progenitor. 2. Biology. the actual or hypothetical form or stock from which an organism has developed or descended. 3. an object, idea, style, or occurrence serving as a prototype, forerunner, or inspiration to a later one: The balloon is an ancestor of the modern dirigible. 4. a person who serves as an influence or model for another; one from whom mental, artistic, spiritual, etc., descent is claimed: a philosophical ancestor. 5. Law. a person from whom an heir derives an inheritance.---- Origin:1250-1300; ME ancestre < OF (with t developed between s and r) < L antecessor antecessor

What is the difference between ancestor and descendant?

An ancestor is a person from whom one is descended, while a descendant is a person who is descended from a particular ancestor. An ancestor is someone who comes before you in a family tree, while a descendant comes after you in a family tree.

Is ancetors a noun?

Yes, the word 'ancestors' is a noun, the plural form for the noun ancestor, a word for one from whom an individual, group, or species is descended; something from which something else has developed; a word for a person or a thing.

What is the opposite noun of heir?

The opposite noun of heir is &quot;ancestor.&quot; An heir stands to receive an inheritance, while an ancestor refers to a person from whom one is descended.

How many tribes were descended from Jacob?

Abraham's grandson, Jacob, had 12 sons from whom are descended the 12 tribes of Israel.

Who is a person from whom you are a descendent?

That person would be one of your ancestors.

How do you spell ancstor?

The correct spelling is "ancestor" - a family member from whom you are descended.

Whom did the Israelites believe they were descended from?

They believe that they were descended from the three Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as described at length in the Book of Genesis (ch.11 onwards).