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Q: Who is the political of Tennessee?
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What Tennessee political leader is known for introducing the spoils system as the president of the US?

Andrew Jackson

Did James Polk hold another political office?

He was a Congressman from Tennessee and was actually Speaker of the House

Which Tennessee political leader is the only person to serve as governor of two different state?

Sam Houston served as the Governor of Tennessee. Later in his life he served as Governor of Texas.

What Tennessee political leader is the only person to serve as governor of two different states?

Sam Houston

Why was the period 1820-1850 considered a golden age for Tennessee politics?

The reason this era was known as the golden age of Tennessee politics is because Tennessee political leaders had a considerable amount of influence on the affairs of our government. i know this because you should just look it up in the Tennessee blue book......

What Tennessee political leader was evicted as governor of Texas for refusing to take an oath of loyalty to the confederacy?

sam houston

Which Tennessee political leader was evicted as governor of Texas for refusing to take an oath of loyalty to the confederacy?

Sam Houston

What the political boundaries of Tennessee?

Tennessee is bordered by eight states: Kentucky to the north, Virginia to the northeast, North Carolina to the east, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi to the south, Arkansas to the west, and Missouri to the northwest.

What is the name and political party of each of the senators in Tennessee?

Republican. I assume you mean the U.S. Senators, Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker.