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Q: Who is the serial killer on Bones tv series?
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What was Hannbals full name?

Hannibal Lecter was a fictional character in a television series. He was portrayed as a psychiatrist and a serial killer.

What are the release dates for I Survived a Serial Killer - 2013 TV?

I Survived a Serial Killer - 2013 TV was released on: USA: 22 August 2013

What is the duration of Bones TV series?

The duration of Bones - TV series - is 2580.0 seconds.

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The duration of Attack of the Killer Tomatoes - TV series - is 1380.0 seconds.

When was Bones - TV series - created?

Bones - TV series - was created on 2005-09-13.

When was Attack of the Killer Tomatoes - TV series - created?

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes - TV series - was created on 1990-09-08.

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Attack of the Killer Tomatoes - TV series - ended on 1991-11-23.

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Great White Serial Killer - 2013 TV was released on: USA: 7 August 2013

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Craig is the father of officer Trudy's baby on the television series Reno 911. Craig is a her boyfriend and a serial killer.

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AandE Presents The Long Island Serial Killer - 2011 TV was released on: USA: 21 November 2011

Does anyone remember the program on living tv called 'confessions of a serial killer' and have more info on it?

I posted a link that has the torrents for confessions or a serial killer in the related box below.