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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 2w ago

The philosopher you are referring to is john Locke. He proposed the theory of empiricism, suggesting that our minds are tabula rasa, or blank slates, at birth and that all knowledge is derived from sensory experience and observation.

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Q: Who is the seventeenth-century philosopher who believed that the mind is blank at birth and that most knowledge comes through sensory experience?
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Who are the prescientific thinkers regarding the origins of knowledge and how the mind and body relate?

Prescientific thinkers like Plato, Aristotle, and Descartes discussed the origins of knowledge and the relationship between the mind and body. Plato believed in innate knowledge, Descartes proposed the mind-body dualism, and Aristotle emphasized sensory experience in the acquisition of knowledge. These early philosophers laid the foundation for later developments in psychology and neuroscience.

Greek philosopher and their contribution in developing psychology?

Aristotle is a notable Greek philosopher who made contributions to psychology by emphasizing the importance of observation and experience in understanding human behavior. He also proposed the idea of the mind and body being interconnected. Another important Greek philosopher is Socrates, whose emphasis on self-examination and introspection laid the groundwork for self-awareness and introspective psychology.

John Locke's views on the human brain?

John Locke believed that the human brain is like a blank slate (tabula rasa) at birth, with knowledge and understanding acquired through sensory experience and reflection. He emphasized the importance of empiricism and the role of experience in shaping human understanding and consciousness. Locke's views laid the foundation for modern theories of cognitive development and the concept of nurture over nature.

Who believed that it is better to be feared then loved?

NiccolΓ² Machiavelli, an Italian philosopher and writer, famously argued in his work "The Prince" that it is better for a ruler to be feared than loved in order to maintain power and control. Machiavelli believed that fear was a more effective tool for ensuring obedience and loyalty from subjects.

What does the psychology term fluid intelligence mean?

Fluid intelligence refers to the ability to think logically and solve problems in new situations without relying on prior knowledge or experience. It involves skills like reasoning, processing information quickly, and being adaptable in thought. Fluid intelligence tends to peak in early adulthood and decline with age.

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Who was the Greek philosopher who believed knowledge is inborn?

Plato, a Greek philosopher, believed that knowledge is inborn and that people are born with innate ideas that they recollect through learning and experience. The theory of innate knowledge is known as the theory of recollection.

Which philosopher believed that sense perceptions and observations are essential for knowledge?

John Locke believed that sense perceptions and observations are essential for knowledge. He argued that all our knowledge is ultimately derived from experience and that our minds are initially blank slates (tabula rasa) upon which experience writes.

Which philosopher said that knowledge is not preexing but comes from the external world?

John Locke, an influential philosopher, believed that knowledge is not preexisting in the mind but comes from the external world through sensory experience. He argued that the mind at birth is a "tabula rasa" or blank slate, suggesting that all knowledge is acquired through sensory perception and experience.

Who said all genuine knowledge comes through direct experience?

John Locke, an English philosopher, stated that all knowledge comes from sensory experience in his theory of empiricism. He believed that the mind at birth is a blank slate, or "tabula rasa," and that knowledge is acquired through experience and reflection on that experience.

Philosopher who believed that all knowledge arises from experience?

Empiricist philosophers, such as John Locke, David Hume, and George Berkeley, believe that all knowledge comes from sensory experience. They argue that individuals gain knowledge through observation and perception of the external world.

Which philosopher was the first to conclude that knowledge results from your memories of your experiences?

The philosopher who first concluded that knowledge results from memories of experiences is often credited to John Locke. Locke's theory of knowledge emphasized the role of sensory experience and perception in shaping one's understanding of the world. He believed that knowledge is acquired through the accumulation of memories derived from interactions with the external world.

Which philosopher said that knowledge is not preexisting but grows from the experiences?

John Locke, a British philosopher, famously argued in his work "An Essay Concerning Human Understanding" that knowledge is not innate but is instead developed through experiences and interactions with the external world. This philosophy is known as empiricism and contrasts with the idea of innate knowledge proposed by other philosophers like Plato.

Aristotle and his beliefs?

Aristotle was a Greek philosopher who believed that knowledge was developed from sense of impression.

Who believed that all knowledge derived from experience?


What early philosopher believed that the mind is a blank slate?

The early philosopher who believed that the mind is a blank slate is John Locke. He argued that individuals are born without innate ideas or knowledge, and that the mind is shaped through experience and sensory perception. This view is known as tabula rasa, which translates to "blank slate" in Latin.

Who was the greek philosopher who believed intelligence was inherited?

The Ancient Greek philosopher Plato (c. 428 - c. 348 BCE) believed that knowledge is inherited and learning is development of ideas that are hidden in the soul. According to Plato, each soul existed before birth and has knowledge about everything.

What is the difference between Plato and Aristotle?

Plato was a philosopher who focused on ideal forms and believed that knowledge was innate, while Aristotle was a philosopher who emphasized empirical observation and believed knowledge was acquired through experience. Plato's philosophy centered around the idea of the ideal state and the pursuit of truth through reason, while Aristotle's philosophy was more focused on studying the natural world and developing a system of logic and classification.