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Puberty is a very private thing and no records are kept, there is no way to accuratly answer this question.

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Q: Who is the yougest boy to start puberty?
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Can you make a 8 year old boy start puberty?

No, it is impossible.

When will a boy go through puberty if he is 18 and still has not reached puberty?

If you have not reached puberty at 18 you need help from a doctor to start it with medical help.

Is it normal to start with puberty at age 9?

It would be early for a boy which is classed as precocious puberty. See your Doctor for advice.

How old is the average boy when going into puberty?

The average age at which most boys start puberty is 12 or 13 years of age. But puberty is very variable and the is a wide difference from one boy to another so the normal range for boys to start puberty is anything from 9 years old to the late teens.

I am 13 and haven't hit puberty but i have vellus hair does this mean I am about to hit puberty?

Yes, you are at the average age that boy's start to hit puberty so anytime now onwards.

Is it possible for a boy to start puberty at the age of 9?

I guess it's possible but it's usually girls who start that early...

Does boy get hair in places when they start puberty?

They can have hair near the penis, armpits, facial, and the chest.

Is a boy's sperm fully produced at age 13?

yes it is, but it depended on if you start puberty early or not.

When will an 11 year old start puberty?

Well, depending on the gender I'd say that a boy will start puberty at maybe 13 and a girl at 12. It's different for all people though.

Can a 10 year boy start puberty?

The average age to start puberty (for boys) is ages 11 - 13 or 14. It is extremely common and very normal for a 10-year-old's body to enter into the phase of life called, "Puberty".

Is it ok for a boy at 13 not to have gone through puberty yet?

Yes it is okay. Everyone starts puberty at different times. Most likely, you will start soon.

How old are human males when they reach puberty?

14 that's when i started anyway :P Andreashly1 says: sad :-( as the above answer may be the average age at which puberty is noticed in males is 10.