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Kris antu.

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Q: Who keeps things from bumping in the night?
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What keeps our bones from scratching and bumping against each other when we move?

what keeps our bones from scratching and bumping agaist each other when we move

My Oscar fish keeps bumping the fish tank late at night why is that?

Possibly the aquarium is too small for him/her and it is trying too escape the confines of the tank.

What keeps your bones from bumping into each other when you move?


What keeps your bones from scratching and bumping each other when you move?

cartlilage !

What to do if your Russian tortoise keeps bumping in to your female Russian tortoise?

Let them bang !

How come this boy keeps bumping into you?

He's either really clumsy, needs glasses, or he might just like you :)

Your big fish keeps on bumping your little fish what do you do?

remember its a computer game, it wont hurt them so just let them be

What are those bumping noises coming from your parents room at night?

The dirty buisness. If you know what I mean ;D

How do bats keep from bumping into things in the dark?

Bats use echolocation to determine where they are going.

What keeps things that are in space in their orbits?

gravity keeps things in orbit

Which materials keep things warm?

Materials such as wool, down feathers, and thermal fabrics like fleece are good at trapping heat and keeping things warm. Insulating materials like foam and polystyrene also help to maintain warmth by preventing heat loss through conduction. Additionally, materials like stainless steel and glass can be used for containers that can retain heat for longer periods of time.

What keeps your bones from scratching and bumping against each other when you move?

Cartilage is a dense, flexible tissue that prevents bones from rubbing on each other.