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Methusulah lived to be 900 years old. In ancient times people like Abraham lived over 100 years and they were in better shape than many people who are 60 today. They did not have all the environmental pollutions and chemicals invading their bodies nor did their food suffer from food modification.

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Q: Who lived to be over 900 in the Bible?
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How many people in the bible lived over 900 years?

In the old testament it records many like Adam lived over 900 years. Nut then when sin and the flood destroyed earth, the age is 70 years according to Psalm90.

Who lived in bible times 900 plus years?


What bible characters that lived over 900 years?

Methuselah was 969 years old. Adam = 930 Seth = 912 [Genesis 5:5, 8, 27]

What was the age of people in the Bible?

In the bible people lived even 900 years but after the flood man is now living about 70 years.

What is the longest anyone ever lived?

996 years is the longest anyone has ever lived

Was The Bible written in one sitting?

No, the Bible was written by over 40 authors who lived in different periods of history, over a total of about 1600 years.

How old was the oldest person when they died?

it was Methuselah. Methuselah is the oldest person mentioned in the Bible. He lived to be 969 years old (Genesis 5:27). In Genesis 5, Methuselah is listed as a descendent of Adam, who also lived nearly a millennium. Methuselah and Adam are not the only persons mentioned in the Bible living over 900 years. Adam lived to be 930 years old.

Who were people who lived over seventy five years in the Bible?

The Bible book of Genesis speaks of seven men who lived more than 900 years, all of them being born prior to the Flood of Noah's day. They were Adam, Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Jared, Methuselah, and Noah. (Genesis 5:5-27; 9:29) Methuselah is well-known for having lived the longest-a record 969 years! The Bible mentions at least another 25 individuals who also reached ages beyond what is common today. Some of them lived 300, 400, even 700 or more years. (Genesis 5:28-31; 11:10-25)

Is the name Francis mentioned in the Bible?

No, it is from the Latin 'Franciscus' which means 'Frenchman.'

Which Bible character lived the longest?

the person lived long in bible is METHUSELAH . the grandfather of Noah. he lived 969 years.

Who lived the longest in the world?

Abraham from the bible lived longest. Abraham lived to be 175 years old.

Who lived the most in the bible?

Methuselah is the oldest man mentioned in the Bible. He lived to be 969 years of age (Gen. 5: 21-27).