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Ralph, after he is elected chief at their first meeting.

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1mo ago

The boys in "Lord of the Flies" make rules about holding the conch shell during meetings. The rule is that only the person holding the conch has the right to speak, ensuring order and fairness during their discussions and decisions on the island.

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whoever has the conch is allowed to speak and whenever it is blown is when there is a meeting.

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13y ago

"The rock struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee; the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist." (181)

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Q: What rules do the boys make about the conch in lord of the flies?
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What does lord of the flies and the conch symbolize for readers?

it symbolizes the order and civilization in the group. Once the conch was no longer being used, the boys went crazy with no morals or rules.

What do the boys have that is a symbol of authority in lord of the flies?

The conch shell serves as a symbol of authority in "Lord of the Flies." The person holding the conch has the right to speak during meetings, signifying order and democracy among the boys on the island.

What are the changes in the depictions of the conch in lord of the flies?

To start off, the conch is a symbol of laws and rules. Throughout the novel, laws and rules quickly leave the boys. To symbolize this, Golding gives the conch less and less of a purpose/use throughout the novel. All rules and order are gone from the island when the conch shatters.

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One example of a cliche in "Lord of the Flies" is the symbolism of the conch shell representing order and civilization. This symbol is used repeatedly throughout the novel to convey the boys' gradual descent into savagery as they disregard the rules associated with the conch.

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The Conch

What rules are made in Lord of the Flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," the boys initially agree on rules like holding meetings, taking turns to speak, and not interrupting others. However, as the story progresses, these rules are gradually disregarded as the boys descend into chaos and savagery. The absence of rules leads to further deterioration of order and civilization on the island.

Who were the group of boys that looked at it with affectionate respect in lord of the flies?

The conch shell.

What happends to the counch shell lord of the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," the conch shell symbolizes order and civilization. As the boys descend into savagery, the conch slowly loses its power and authority. Eventually, it is destroyed, signifying the complete breakdown of civilization among the boys.

What are the difference between the first and second meeting lord the of flies?

In the first meeting in "Lord of the Flies," the boys gather using the conch shell and establish rules for order and civilization. In the second meeting, tensions arise and the boys begin to exhibit signs of savagery as power struggles emerge.

Why does the conch give Ralph so much power in lord of the slies book?

In "Lord of the Flies," the conch symbolizes order, civilization, and democracy. When Ralph blows the conch, it gathers the boys together, giving him a platform to establish rules and maintain order. The conch's power comes from the boys' collective agreement to respect it as a symbol of authority and civilization.

Who blows the signal for the assembly in lord of the flies?

The signal for the assembly in "Lord of the Flies" is blown by a conch shell, which is used as a symbol of authority and order among the boys on the island. Ralph, one of the main characters, blows the conch to call the boys together for meetings and discussions.

How do the boys setup a civilization lord of the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," the boys attempt to establish a civilization by electing Ralph as their leader, establishing rules for meetings and the conch shell as a symbol of authority. However, as the story progresses, the boys' civilization deteriorates due to power struggles, fear, and aggression, ultimately leading to chaos and violence.