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A theory is a well-substantiated explanation acquired through the scientific method and repeatedly tested and confirmed through observation and experimentation.

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Q: Who of these descriptions describes a theory?
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What descriptions describes a theory?

In short, a theory is simply a group of ideas. This group of ideas are used to explain a certain topic such as a fact, event, or phenomenon.

Why a theory can not turn into a law?

A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world based on a body of evidence and observations. Laws, on the other hand, are descriptions of natural phenomena that have been observed to occur consistently. A theory explains why something happens, while a law simply describes what happens. Thus, a theory cannot become a law because they serve different purposes within the scientific framework.

Which best descriptions defines a scientific law?

A scientific law is a statement that describes a consistent pattern observed in nature. It is a generalized rule that describes a phenomenon under specific conditions and is supported by empirical evidence.

Name the theory that describes gravity?

The theory that describes gravity is called "General Relativity," proposed by Albert Einstein in 1915. It states that gravity is a result of the curvature of spacetime caused by mass and energy.

Again I ask why was Einsteins Relativity Theory at odds with Quantum Physics?

Einstein's theory of relativity describes the physics of large objects in the universe, while quantum physics explains the behavior of particles at the smallest scales. They clash because they have different conceptual frameworks and mathematical descriptions of the universe. Einstein struggled to accept the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics and believed there might be a more complete underlying theory that unified both areas of physics.

Related questions

Which is an interpretation a law or a theory?

They're both descriptions (or interpretations if you wish) of reality as we understand it. A theory relates to how we understand a thing, and a "law" just describes how something should react.

Is an interpretation a law or a theory?

They're both descriptions (or interpretations if you wish) of reality as we understand it. A theory relates to how we understand a thing, and a "law" just describes how something should react.

How are laws different from theory?

"Laws" are just simplified descriptions of theories.

Scientific descriptions of all living things in terms of cells?

cell theory

What descriptions describes a theory?

In short, a theory is simply a group of ideas. This group of ideas are used to explain a certain topic such as a fact, event, or phenomenon.

What term describes the theory that life comes from life?

Biogenesis is the term that describes the theory that life comes from pre-existing life.

Why a theory can not turn into a law?

A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world based on a body of evidence and observations. Laws, on the other hand, are descriptions of natural phenomena that have been observed to occur consistently. A theory explains why something happens, while a law simply describes what happens. Thus, a theory cannot become a law because they serve different purposes within the scientific framework.

What describes a theory?

A theory is a tested explanation of facts, observations, and natural phenomena

What are the types of concrete languages?

Language that describes specific objects that are observable to all, in contrast to abstract descriptions

What theory best describes the moon origin?

Presently, the ejected ring theory best describes the origin of moon.

What Are The Different Types Of Concrete Language?

Language that describes specific objects that are observable to all, in contrast to abstract descriptions

What is Information theory?

The information-processing theory is a cognitive theory of learning that describes the processing, storage, and retrieval of knowledge in the mind.