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Aphrodite offered Paris the most beautiful woman in the world in exchange for him choosing her to win the beauty contest.

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Q: Who offered Paris the most beautiful woman in the world?
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Which goddess did Paris choose as most fair and why?

Paris said that the Goddess Aphrodite was the most fair, because she offered him the best prize(in his opinion): the most beautiful woman in the world(Helen of Sparta, who became Helen of Troy) to be his bride.

What did Aprhodite promise Paris which started the Trojan war?

Aphrodite promised Paris the most beautiful woman in the world - Queen Helen of Sparta.

Why was Helen of Troy kidnapped by Paris?

Well, she wasn't really kidnapped as such, you see her and Paris ran away together, because you see,Somehow, a golden apple, fell into Paris' hands. But you see, the goddesses Anthena, Hera and Aphrodite, all wanted the apple. And so Athena offered all the wisdom in the world. Hera offered to be king of all Asia. And Aphrodite offered for the most beautiful woman on earth to be his wife. Paris took up Aphrodite's offer and gave her the apple, and Aphrodite cast a spell so that the most beautiful woman would fall head over heels in love with Paris. And this woman of course was Helen of Troy.So that's why they ran away together and started the whole Trojan War.

What was the reason for the Trojan war?

So there was a contest between Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera to see who was the most beautiful. The judge, Paris chose Aphrodite because she offered him the most beautiful woman in the world. Her name was Helen and she was married to Menelaus the king of Sparta. So the goddess of love, Aphrodite, stole Helen for Paris. Helen's husband was mad and they started the Trojan war. Hope I helped you:)

Who offered Paris power and prestige but he chose another god?

Hera was the goddess who offered Paris all the land in the world.

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What does each goddess offer Paris?

Athena offered wisdom, skill in battle, and the abilities of great warriors. Hera offered him political power (control over Asia), and Aphrodite offered him the love of the most beautiful woman in the world (Helen).

How was Helen of troy?

Aphrodite told Paris that the most beautiful woman in the world would marry him. The most beautiful woman was Helen.

Which goddess did Paris choose as most fair and why?

Paris said that the Goddess Aphrodite was the most fair, because she offered him the best prize(in his opinion): the most beautiful woman in the world(Helen of Sparta, who became Helen of Troy) to be his bride.

What is the reason why Prince Hector and Paris went to the Sparts?

Because Aphrodite granted Paris marriage to the most beautiful woman in the world and that was Helen. Eros shot his arrow and Helen was smitten and left her husband Melaus king of Sparta for Paris prince of Troy.

What did Aprhodite promise Paris which started the Trojan war?

Aphrodite promised Paris the most beautiful woman in the world - Queen Helen of Sparta.

Who was Hellen in ancient Greece?

The most beautiful woman in the world. She was kidnapped by Paris and this started the Trojan War.

Why was Helen of Troy kidnapped by Paris?

Well, she wasn't really kidnapped as such, you see her and Paris ran away together, because you see,Somehow, a golden apple, fell into Paris' hands. But you see, the goddesses Anthena, Hera and Aphrodite, all wanted the apple. And so Athena offered all the wisdom in the world. Hera offered to be king of all Asia. And Aphrodite offered for the most beautiful woman on earth to be his wife. Paris took up Aphrodite's offer and gave her the apple, and Aphrodite cast a spell so that the most beautiful woman would fall head over heels in love with Paris. And this woman of course was Helen of Troy.So that's why they ran away together and started the whole Trojan War.

Why was Paris promisted Helen?

Aphrodite promises Paris the love of the most beautiful woman in the world, this being Helen, if Paris chooses Aphrodite for the apple inscribed "for the fairest".

What does Aphrodite promise Paris that persuades him to choose her as the winner of the beauty contest?

"the most beautiful woman in the world" as a wife

How does Aphrodite help Paris?

Makes Helen of Sparta, daughter of Zeus and the most beautiful woman in the world, fall in love with him.

What was the reason for the Trojan war?

So there was a contest between Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera to see who was the most beautiful. The judge, Paris chose Aphrodite because she offered him the most beautiful woman in the world. Her name was Helen and she was married to Menelaus the king of Sparta. So the goddess of love, Aphrodite, stole Helen for Paris. Helen's husband was mad and they started the Trojan war. Hope I helped you:)

What did Aphrodite promise if Paris awarded the golden apple to her?

Aphrodite promised Paris that he would have the love of the most beautiful woman in the world. The only problem- she, Helen, was already married.