

Best Answer

Read your governing documents to determine who owns the windows.

The dilemma is this: windows may be made up of many elements, including and not limited to:

  • glass, multiple panes
  • frames
  • sills, internal and external
  • screens
  • sashes
  • casements
  • shutters
  • casings
  • hinges
  • accessories
  • etcetera

Often, associations want to own all window elements except glass, because windows are integral to the weather barrier envelope for the building. (When glass is broken accidentally, unless owned otherwise, residents pay to replace broken glass.) However, unless your 'window' ownership is defined this way, different interests may own different elements of your 'windows'.

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Q: Who owns the windows in the condo?
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Read your governing documents to determine who owns the windows. This is an often debated and often mis-understood guideline in condominium ownership. Best practices dictate that the windows are owned by the association, being the window frames, exterior flashing and installation elements -- making the windows a key part of the building envelope or weather protection barrier. In this case the association requires definitions as to how much upgrade work an owner is allowed to do/ or must document to the interior of the 'window'. The association can also define the glass elements in the window as owned by the unit owner, which means that the association can charge the owner for window washing and glass replacement.

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Your answer depends on the context in which the phrase is used. Sponsor may be the developer, the bank that owns the foreclosed units, or other.

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Your local realtor can answer your question, especially if your question involves selling your unit.

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Your local hall of real estate ownership records will have the information you need: this data is of public record.

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Because there is no standard assignment for who owns screen doors, you can read your governing documents to determine who owns 'your' screen door in your community.