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The most famous version is a large wall mural by Leonardo da Vinci, done between 1495 and 1498, copied as an oil painting by Giampietrino around 1520.

Other versions include a painting by Giotto di Bondone in 1306, a fresco by Andrea del Castagano in 1445-1450, and a version by Dieric Bouts painted in tempera and oil on wood in 1464-1468. Tintoretto painted a huge (12 feet by 18 feet) version in 1594. Veronese painted an oil on canvas entitled 'Christ in the House of Levi' in 1573, a scene of the last supper. There are some Byzantine pieces which could also fall under the subject of the last supper, mosaics made before the 1400's.

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15y ago

Last Supper Was painted by Leonardo da vinci sometime in the 15th century

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Leonardo da Vinci Answer 2: No, Leonardo is Renaissance, Mannerism comes later. Tintoretto, for instance, painted the 'Last Supper'.

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