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IUPAC (International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry)

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The names for elements 104-108, seaborgium (Sg), bohrium (Bh), hassium (Hs), meitnerium (Mt) and darmstadtium (Ds), were proposed by the discoverers of these elements and were approved by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). The names were chosen to honor renowned scientists or places associated with the study of nuclear science.

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an American group, a Russian group, and a German group.

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Dmitri Mendeleev

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Q: Who proposed names for elements 104 to 108 of periodic table?
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What are the names for a pereodic table?

The periodic table is named the "periodic table of elements" or simply the "periodic table."

What is a chart that lists all the known elements?

It is called the Periodic Table of Elements.

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Who is mendeleevs?

Dmitri Mendeleev was a Russian chemist; he proposed the modern Periodic Table of elements in 1869.

What was Mendeleevs proposal?

Mendeleev proposed the periodic law and created the first periodic table of elements. He organized the elements based on their atomic mass and chemical properties, predicting the properties of undiscovered elements. His work laid the foundation for the modern periodic table used today.

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1) Dalton never proposed any table 2) All elements in Mendeleev's table and in the modern periodic table are elements.

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Medellev left gaps in the periodic table to account for elements that had not yet been discovered. He predicted the properties of these missing elements based on the known trends and patterns in the table. This foresight and organization laid the groundwork for the future discovery of elements that filled those gaps.

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What are all the names of the periodic table and what do they mean?

These names are the names of chemical elements.

What are the names on the periodic table and their names?

The names on the periodic table of Mendeleev are the names of chemical elements.

How many elements are in included in the modern periodic table?

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What is the name of the table of elements?

The table of elements is called the Periodic Table of Elements. It organizes all known chemical elements based on their atomic number and chemical properties.