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Q: Who put the basics of derivatives calculus in mathematics?
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What is a calculus course?

Simply put, calculus is an intermediate branch of mathematics that deals principally with variables.

Why you need calculus?

I need calculus because I am not in a job where they put pictures on the cash register.

When did euler discover calculus?

Euler didn't discover calculus. He made major contributions to calculus throughout his career, but the foundations of calculus were put forth by Newton and Leibniz.

How would you put mathematics in a sentence?

Mathematics is the study of numbers, quantities, and shapes, related to logic and problem-solving.

Did Einstein invent calculus If not, who did?

No, Einstein did not invent calculus, Isaac Newton did. Liebniz did as well at around the same time and there was a major debate on who invented calculus first, but I think the more popular answer is Isaac Newton. Put Leibniz–Newton calculus controversy into wiki for an artcile about this debate.

How do you put strumming in a sentence?

My guitar teacher told me the basics of strumming and picking.

What were Isaac Newton's special accomplishments?

Put together mathematics.

What is harder then calculus lll and if you have more then 1 answer then put it in order from hardest to least?

There are always other problems harder than what is called "calculus III" But what is learnt in calculus III is just basically the "stepping stone" for what is needed for more advanced math in later subjects, such as theoretical physics, protein folding, etc... For me, I determined that Calculus II was the hardest calculus course, then Calculus I, then Calculus III being the easiest. After that... there is linear algebra.... and don't let its name fool you just by having the word "algebra" in it... it is pretty much a HUMONGOUS pain in the buttocks

What is the value of Pi in mathematics?

You can put 3.14 but really it keeps going on and on!

How do you find the volume in mathematics?

you have to put together- the height, the width and the lengnth

What is the meaning of mathematics of investment?

The mathematics of investment basically means you get out, what you put in. It means if you give something a lot of time and effort, you are more likely to get the same result in the end.

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Put her in the animal category - this is mathematics.