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Q: Who raps in the Wu tang song I love you like i love my penis size?
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To increase the size of your penis you can try maturbaiting alot like every day?

Masturbation has no effect on the size of the penis.

Why do short men who have small penis have a bad attitude towards tall women?

Answerbecause short people with little penis's take so much verbal abuse that they're short and what not and they know they cant talk to tall women like friends or more and hope to have more then a friendship because they wont have any feelings like that towards them because they are short i have a friend like thatAnswerI was not being a nice person when that question was ask. I wanted nothing more then to be a good freind an lover to someone who is shorter then me. It really has noting to do with the size of a man's penis. I love everything about our love making! I will have to say he has been one of my best sex partners. I love his beautiful cock and everything about his body. We just have other things that need to be worked out. Please don't lose confidence in thae size of a man's penis. The size of a penis has nothing to do with the amount of pleasure a woman can experience from being with someone she enjoys making love with. I am 6 'A tall woman. Trust that love making has nothing to do with the size of a man's penis.

Is it true that your penis size is half the size of your foot?

There is no evidence that a persons shoe size has anything to do with how large their penis is

Does a larger hipped women require a larger penis for pleasure?

A larger hipped woman does not require a larger penis for pleasure. Any size penis can pleasure a woman... the pleasure a woman gets from the penis all depends on her state of mind at the time of intercourse or her general preference. If she is relaxed, comfortable and love or like the person who she is having intercourse with, penis size does not matter if her hips, Butt, legs, or breast are big or small.

7 in penis and 4.5 thick do most women like this size?

it is not the size it is how you use it

Is penis size a factor in love affairs?

No, penis size is not a determining factor in love affairs. Love and intimacy are based on emotional connection, trust, and compatibility, rather than physical attributes like penis size. Communication, emotional support, and shared values are far more important in maintaining a healthy and satisfying love affair.

Why do girls like guys with a long penis?

The thought that girls like guys with a long penis is generally wrong. To most girls, penis size makes little to no difference. As a guy you can imagine your penis size to be about as important to a girl, as the girl's breast size is to you. Do you actually care whether a girl has a big chest or not? Most guys don't. So why should girls care whether you have a big penis or not?

How can a man improve the the size of his penis?

Learn to love it. There is no magical workout or cream that will change your genetics. Or, as someone else jokingly suggested: Do penis push ups and stretch it.

How long are one directions penis'?

Liam Payne's penis size: The Payne train is the biggest out of the band measuring 10 inches! Big, i know! Louis Tomlinson's penis size: The nine inches of love is the 2nd biggest, measuring 9 inches! Zayn Malik's penis size: This Bad Boi is 8.5 inches long! Bad Boi isn't it? Harry Styles' penis size: Harry's 'thing' is 8 inches long! Niall Horan's penis size: The Little Leppy, (Named by my friends XD)is the smallest measuring 7.5 inches!

Is 2 inches flaccid normal?

It is within the range of normal for penis size to vary when flaccid. Flaccid penis size can be affected by factors like temperature, level of arousal, and individual anatomy. If you have concerns about your penis size, it may be helpful to consult with a healthcare provider.

What is the best size penis for woman?

All sixed penis are good for ladies. Any size penis above 5" in length and 4.7" in girth (1.5" in diameter) that is long lasting and the owner knows how to use it will give his wife wonderful sex. However, from a girl/woman's point of view there is nothing comparable to being stretched and filled and the extreme friction of an extra large penis that is above 7" in length and 5.5" in girth (1.75" in diameter), as well as, being long lasting. With a large penis it is easier for the woman to have a vaginal orgasm, as well as, a clitoral orgasm and sometimes multiple orgasms. It is not impossible for a smaller penis to achieve these things, but more difficult and you still do not have the stretching and full feeling. If a girl/woman has not experienced a large penis she would be unable to offer an opinion on this issue.

What woman want love penis big or small?

Most women want to be loved. With the right man, penis size is not that big of a deal for most women. It's how you use it.