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Q: Who ruled Russia for 300 years after death?
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What was the ruling family of the czars for 300 years?

The Romanov dynasty ruled Russia for 300 years ending in 1917.

Romanov dynastyfamily ruled which country for 300 years?

Czarist Russia, of course.

What was the name of the ruling family of czars for 300 years?

The Romanovs ruled for 303 years in Russia.

Who ruled Russia before the revolutions?

Pre-revolutionary Russia was ruled by the Romanov family for over 300 years. The last Tsar was Nicholas II who, together with his family, was shot in Yekaterinburg in 1918.

Who ruled ancient India for 300 years?

The British ruled Ancient India for 300 years.

Where were the Romanov's from?

The Romanov family ruled over Russia for nearly 300 years. So it's a good bet that they were Russian. Otherwise they had a lot of explaining to do.

What is the name of the last ruling family in Russia?

The Romanov family ruled for 300 years before Nicolas and his family were murdered in 1917 because of the revolution.

How did Cleopatra VII become a rule when she was Macedonian not Egyptian?

Cleopatra, although Macedonian, became a ruler because her family had ruled Egypt for close to 300 years. After the death of Alexander the Great, the Ptolemies took over Egypt and formed their own dynasty.Cleopatra, although Macedonian, became a ruler because her family had ruled Egypt for close to 300 years. After the death of Alexander the Great, the Ptolemies took over Egypt and formed their own dynasty.Cleopatra, although Macedonian, became a ruler because her family had ruled Egypt for close to 300 years. After the death of Alexander the Great, the Ptolemies took over Egypt and formed their own dynasty.Cleopatra, although Macedonian, became a ruler because her family had ruled Egypt for close to 300 years. After the death of Alexander the Great, the Ptolemies took over Egypt and formed their own dynasty.Cleopatra, although Macedonian, became a ruler because her family had ruled Egypt for close to 300 years. After the death of Alexander the Great, the Ptolemies took over Egypt and formed their own dynasty.Cleopatra, although Macedonian, became a ruler because her family had ruled Egypt for close to 300 years. After the death of Alexander the Great, the Ptolemies took over Egypt and formed their own dynasty.Cleopatra, although Macedonian, became a ruler because her family had ruled Egypt for close to 300 years. After the death of Alexander the Great, the Ptolemies took over Egypt and formed their own dynasty.Cleopatra, although Macedonian, became a ruler because her family had ruled Egypt for close to 300 years. After the death of Alexander the Great, the Ptolemies took over Egypt and formed their own dynasty.Cleopatra, although Macedonian, became a ruler because her family had ruled Egypt for close to 300 years. After the death of Alexander the Great, the Ptolemies took over Egypt and formed their own dynasty.

Did the Romanov family rule Russia for 300 years.?

Yes They ruled from 1614 when Michael Romanov was put on the throne to 1917 when Nichols II stepped down from it.

What was the Romanov Dynasty?

The Romanov Dynasty were men and some women who ruled Russia for 300 years. The first being Michael Romanov the last Czar Nicholas II

Who ruled New Mexico for 300 years?

Spain did.

Which country ruled the Philippines for over 300 years?
