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What Goebbels said was that if you repeat a lie often enough people believe it, not that 'it becomes the truth'.

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Q: Who said If you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth Was it Goebbles?
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Did Goebbels really say 'Tell a lie often enough and it becomes the truth'?

Yes. He said (or wrote) exactly:"Tell the masses a lie often enough and for long enough, sooner or later they will all believe it. "~ Joseph Goebbels

What is the use of '' throw dirt enough and some will stick''?

it actually was first said as- "throw enough sh-- on the wall and some of it will stick". This is a salesmans point of view towards sales(talk to as many people as you can in a day and you will connect with some that will buy from you. "Throw enough dirt on it and some of it will stick" is an expression that people use when they are trying to justify repeating their opinion or some information that they want people to understand. They think that if they repeat it often enough at least some of the information or knowledge will "stick" to the people that they are trying to convey it to.

What is the name of a rock when it becomes permanently deformed without breaking?

When a rock deforms without breaking it is often called "folded".erosion

Who said The strictest law sometimes becomes the severest injustice?

Voltaire, a French philosopher, is often attributed with this quote.

How many casualties were there in the Mexican American War Battle of Santa Fe?

When people are shot often enough, in the right places with a large enough projectile at high enough velocity the end result is most often fatal, even with excellent Battlefield Medecine on the scene and MedEvacs of even the most primitive type did not exist during 1867. Yes, thousands died.