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William James did in his book, Principles of Psychology.

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William James, an American psychologist and philosopher, is credited with saying that psychology is the science of mental life. James is considered one of the founding figures of modern psychology and made significant contributions to the field.

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Explain the historical origins of psychology.?

Psychology emerged as a separate discipline in the 19th century, with roots in philosophy and biology. Wilhelm Wundt is often credited with establishing the first psychological laboratory in 1879 in Germany, marking the formal beginning of modern psychology. Influences from other disciplines like physics, medicine, and philosophy also contributed to the development of psychology as a distinct science.

What is the difference between Organizational Psychology and General Psychology?

There seems to be a trend, where both industrial psychology and organizational psychology are used interchangeably nowadays. There is the field of industrial-organizational psychology as well, which encompasses both. Industrial psychologists have been concerned with individual factors in selection, placement, job analysis and design, safety and training while Organizational psychologists, on the other hand, have examined the role of interpersonal relations, and individual differences especially in modifying and changing organizations, examining decision making, group dynamics, leadership, organizational development and change. Industrial psychology is labeled as more empirical, experimental and precise as they test and select the best people o match the demands of job, and organizational psychology is mostly labeled as clinical, humanistic and they use more qualitative methods to obtain their data.

How is Psychology studied?

Psychology is studied through various research methods, such as experiments, surveys, and case studies. Researchers in psychology also use techniques such as observation, interviews, and psychological testing to gather data and draw conclusions about human behavior and mental processes. Additionally, psychology is studied through academic courses, where students learn about different psychological theories, concepts, and research findings.

Why do some people have mental problems and others don't?

Mental health is influenced by a combination of genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors. Some people may have a genetic predisposition or experience traumatic life events that increase their risk of developing mental health problems. Other factors such as stress, social support, and lifestyle choices can also play a role in a person's mental well-being.

Who conducted the first social psychology experiment?

Norman Triplett is credited with conducting the first social psychology experiment, which looked at how the presence of others influenced performance on a task. Triplett studied the impact of competition on cyclists' performance in his study published in 1898.

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Is the word soul acceptable in the field of psychology?

The word soul, according to most psychologists, is unscientific. It has been discarded long ago, and no reputable writer on psychology uses it now. Today only philosophers, ministers and poets use it, and most of them uses it apologetically. The reasons why science abolishes the word 'soul'. First, it was the soul, with all religious, moral, and metaphysical implications. Psychology, as its name indicates, began as the science of the soul. Psychologists, however, began doubting the scientific validity of the soul, because they resented its philosophical associations. They jettisoned it and put in its place the term 'mind'. Psychology became the science of the mind. But even 'mind' was not good enough. It was abstract and nebulous as the word 'soul'. They got rid of it and took the word 'consciousness', Psychology became a science of consciousness. But what are we conscious of at any given moment? The structuralists came in and introduced the concept of of 'mental states'. We are, according to them, conscious only of mental states. Psychology became the science of mental states. But are there really mental states? Are there not only 'mental functions'? The functionalist psychologists redefined psychology and called it the science of mental functions. Entered Watson and his behaviorists. Mental functions, they said, are not directly observable. They are subjective. They can be reached only by introspection. And introspection is not scientific. In fact, all we can observe is behavior, the obvert behavior of the organism interacting with its environment. Beyond this we can only surmise and speculate. We cannot be scientific. In reducing psychology to the science of behavior, Watson has also reduced it to physiology and anatomy. Thus, modern psychologists talk of 'consciousness', but discuss the nervous system. Talk of the 'mind' but discuss the areas and fissures of the brain. Lecture on the 'emotions' but explain the endocrine glands. Analyze the 'personality', but reduce it to the body. At the end, the modern psychologists teach physiology and anatomy instead of psychology.

Who said political science is a progressive science?

Adolf Hitler said in "Mein Kampf" that political science is a progressive science.

How useful geometry in real life?

My science teacher said it was not useful as it is misleading. But he said if you want to go down that rote you should go down physics

What is a veda?

There are 4 Vedas which teach the basic & origin of life. It is said that all the science in Hinduism also originated from the Vedas.

What is mnemonic psychology?

memories of past bad things said to you.

What experiments in addition to Miller and Urey's helped scientists hypothesize about how life arose on earth?

cause they said so. haha science homework.

The study of physical life or living matter?

The answer is Science I know it doesn't make much sense at all, but, I checked *several* websites and it all said science... Hope this helped :)

What does it mean to cast in life science?

It is possible that someone has said something such as "I have cast my fate in the life sciences" which would mean that this person is committed to a career in the life sciences, which sciences include biology, medicine, and so forth.

What kind of questions can science answere?

Science can answer questions about our physical world.

How do you said science in french?

"la science" (I'm not making this up. Check it out.)

Explain the historical origins of psychology.?

Psychology emerged as a separate discipline in the 19th century, with roots in philosophy and biology. Wilhelm Wundt is often credited with establishing the first psychological laboratory in 1879 in Germany, marking the formal beginning of modern psychology. Influences from other disciplines like physics, medicine, and philosophy also contributed to the development of psychology as a distinct science.