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Well it actually depends on the skin conditions sometimes. Short haired and long haired dogs shed, but I would say that golden retriever's shed the least. I have had one in the past and I didn't have much of a problem with her.

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DEFINITELY flat coated retriever. We have to vacuum like 6 times a day every day!

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Q: Which dog sheds more labrador retriever or the golden retriever?
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Who sheds more... a Golden Retriever or a Australian Shepherd?

Golden retrievers shed much more that Australian shephers, in fact I think Golden retrievers shed the most

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Labrador puppy's are usually more white.

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That all depends on the age, size and temperament of either dog. Typically, a dog with a more nervous energy is one that is more prone to losing than one that is more dominant, because in the dog world, such energy is weak energy, no matter what size or age either dog is.

What dog breed is the?

There are many breeds of dog, such as, Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever, Saint Bernard, Great Dane, Pit Bull, English Bulldog, Dalmatian, Hound Dogs, Terriers, and many more.

What is a Flat-coated Retriever?

Flatcoats come in YELLOW/BLACK/BROWN for more info go to: www.chathamhillkennels.comThe Flat-Coated Retriever is one of the least known purebred breeds. While many people are familiar with the more popular Golden Retriever and the Labrador Retriever, the Flat-Coat has similarities as well as differences from those Retrievers. The similarities are the happy-go-lucky attitude, the playfulness, and the strong family bond it makes.However, there are 3 major differences between the Flat-Coat Retriever and the Golden Retriever/Labrador Retriever:#1: Flat-Coated Retrievers do not have an undercoat to shed; therefore, they shed less than the Golden Retriever and the Labrador Retriever.#2: The Flat-Coat is considered to be relatively inactive indoors, whereas, the Goldens and Labs are moderately active indoors.#3: Goldens and Labs, due to the thicker bone structure, weigh more than the Flattie.

What is more playful a German shepherd or a labrador retriever?

i have a German shepherd and a labrador my German shepherd is more friendly

How much does a labrador retriever plus chesapeake bay retriever weigh?

Male Labrador Retriever: On average, 60 to 80 lbs., but some can weigh as much as 100 lbs. or more. Female Labrador Retriever: 55 to 70 lbs. Male Chesapeake Bay Retriever: 65 to 80 lbs. Female Chesapeake Bay Retriever: 55 to 70 lbs.

Dose a golden reatriver shed more or a chocolate lab?

A Golden Retriever will shed more than a Chocolate Labrador Retriever. This is because they have thicker coat that requires more care/maintenance, where else the Chocolate Lab's conveniently short coat lowers the total amount of shedding it produces significantly. However, in the case of an owner shaving the coat of their Golden Retriever to a shorter length, the amount of shedding would be about equal to that of a Chocolate Lab.

What do you get when you cross a black lab with a golden retriever Are they going to be long haired or short?

The Golden Labrador is not a purebred dog. It is a cross between the Golden Retriever and the LabradorRetriever.My Golden Retriever (female) had pups for my Black Lab (male) and all pups were solid black. They call the cross Golden Labs but mine are more like Black retrievers. They do have long hair. The actual length depends on if they're half lab half golden, or if it's quarter golden, then it wont be as fuzzy.

Is golden retriever puppy hair less allergy causing than adult golden retriever hair?

No, they are not, because they are the same kind of dog, just younger or older. I agree but in a way i disagree because an older dog sheds much more than a puppy because of course they have longer and much more hair.