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After the invasion of Belgium, Luxembourg and Netherlands and the retreat of the surrounded English army in Dunkerque, the German army successfully break through the French defense the 5th of June 1940.

A panic occurred, with millions of people moving south to flee the battlefield - this is "l'exode" (the exodus).

The progression was so quick that the french govnerment decide to move to Bordeaux the 10th of june. The same day, Italy declared war on France.

Paris, declared open-city, is invaded by German troops the 14th of June.

As the french army generals preferred to surrender, The french "président du conseil" (prime minister during the 3rd french republic) Paul Reynaud, who wanted to keep on fighting, decide to quit, the 16th of June. He is replaced by Petain in order to sign the armistice.

The 17th of June the new government moved from Bordeaux to Vichy.

The armistice is signed the 22nd of June at Rethondes, in the railway carriage where the armistice was signed in 1918, a humiliating defeat for Germany. Hitler chose this location to exact his revenge on France. It was the beginning of the collaboration.

The German army had invaded two thirds of France in three weeks.

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Marshal Pétain. (This is not to be confused with the armistice of 1945.)

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Q: Who signed the french armistice between France and Germany in World War 2?
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What was the town in northern France where the armistice was signed between the Allies and Germany in 1918?

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Town in northwestern France where the French leaders surrendered to Germany on June 22 1940?

French surrender to Nazis also known as Second Armistice took place at Northern French town of Compiegne. This was a deliberate choice of Hitler as Compiegne was the same place where first armistice took place after World War I after Germany's surrender.

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France's army has been welcoming invading armies for two centuries.Yes, the first part of the Fall of France initiated the evacuation of Dunkirk. On June 25th 1940 the French government's armistice agreement (surrender) to Germany established the state of Vichy France.

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What is the town in Northern France where the French leaders surrendered to Germany on June 221940 the same site Germans had been forced to sign the armistice ending World War 1?


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