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The Crest; they're a hip-hop group from Wisconsin. I don't know what the title of the song is, all I can tell you is it's not on their Skeptik album. Might be on Wiscompton.

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Q: Who sings a song with these lyrics...i grow a plant in the ground of my backyard now the law got you running like a track star?
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in the ground in the backyard in the garden

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My backyard My backyard

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a rabbit

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Well you plant it in your backyard or in a mission it takes about 6 hours for the backyard and on mission you just have to finish it.

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they eat the leaves of a milkweed plant

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In soil where you would plant something

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You'd be better off putting in a drain.

Can you plant sunflowers when ground is wet from rain?

of course you can - you can plant any plant in the wet ground - they love it!

How does a plant move water from the ground?

plant move water from the ground by its roots

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You plant this on the ground?


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