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its family phusician/practician

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Q: Who treats illness or injury in all age groups?
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When is a person really dead?

They are dead when their heart stops beating and breathing. Generally their body stops working either from old age, illness or injury.

What age groups does rubella affect?

Although rubella is generally considered a childhood illness, people of any age who have not been vaccinated or previously caught the disease can become infected.

When do you stop having a cow bred?

When she dies, or when she needs to be culled for fertility, temperament, conformation, milk production, illness or injury, and/or teeth or old age issues.

What causes a new born baby to have a period?

Newborn babies are not capable of having periods. Any bleeding at that age is a symptom of injury or illness. She needs to be seen by a doctor.

What is long term health care?

Long term care is a type of care that a person needs due to a terminal condition, disability, illness, injury or the infirmity of old age.

What illness did Thomas Edison had when he died?

Thomas EDison had no illness, he just died of old age.

What are the gymnastics age groups?

there are no age groups just levels

How can you put the word illness in a sentence?

His illness brought him death at an early age.

What age groups uses steroids?

Children who have growth problems, immune system problems, or need extra help recovering from illness or injury or surgery are prescribed steroids, and people as old as 90 are prescribed them. Illegal use is rampant among teens, young adults, middle aged men, and up...

What age groups use drugs?

All age groups are reported to use drugs.

What age groups are affected by psoriasis?

It can hit all age groups of children to elderly

At what age can your dog eat treats?

in human years, age 2. In dog years [2x7] 14