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When Katniss is taken into the justice building, she gets three sets of visitors. The first is her mother and Prim, the second is Gale, and the third is Madge, the mayor's daughter. She gives Katniss the mockingjay pin that becomes a major part of the trilogy.

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12y ago

her immidiate family, gale, and(in the book, not the movie) madge, the mayors daughter. she was only given one item, and it was the mockingjay pin. in the movie, She found it at the Hob and then later gave it to her sister, and in the book it was madge.

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12y ago

Her Mother, Prim, Gale, Peeta's father, and Madge.

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9y ago

Prim and her mother do, and sneak her the mockingjay pin, and gale comes to encourage her to go and find a bow in the arena instantly.

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Q: Who visits katniss in the justice building and what are the two item given to her in the hunger game?
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What is the chapter 3 in Hunger Games about?

In Chapter 3 of The Hunger Games Katniss and Peeta are talon into custody by the Peacekeepers. Katniss says her goodbyes, and Madge who gives her the Mockingjay pin for her token. After the visits Katniss and Peeta are taken to a train where they are fed. They also watch recaps of the Reapings.

Who gave katniss the mockingjay pin in the book the hunger games?

Madge Undersee.Madge Undersee was the mayor's daughter, and one of Katniss's closest friends, though she was never really sure of this fact due to Madge's shy quietness.In The Hunger Games, while in the visiting room before deporting to the Capitol, Madge visits Katniss and gives her the Mockingjay pin, which used to be Madge's aunt's, Maysilee Donner, as her District 12 token. Madge then kissed Katniss on the cheek shyly and left.Note: In the film adaption of The Hunger Games, Prim, Katniss's sister, gives her the Mockingjay pin after Katniss purchases it for Prim for good luck.

Where do Peeta Mellark and Katniss go for their training sessions?

She goes to knot tying, fire building, the shelter station, (lunch) edible insect station, hammock making, sword training, fishing and the archery range.

What is the third book of the Hunger Games about and what happens in it?

Part 1: The AshesKatniss takes stock of her new position as a rebel in District 13. She and a few others were extracted from the Quarter Quell (Katniss's second Hunger Games adventure), but Peeta wasn't one of them - he's still missing, under control of the Capitol. Katniss is still haunted by President Snow. After much angst, she decides to be the figurehead, the Mockingjay, for the rebel side. In return, she gets immunity for her friends and permission to kill Snow. Another Games victor, Beetee, makes Katniss a special weapon. Katniss has to star in commercials for the rebel side, called propos. For one propo, she and a team that includes her old friend Gale are sent into District 2, where they see a hospital get destroyed. This inspires Katniss to call for justice. Because the rebels are gaining in strength, and because Peeta has sent out a coded message to the rebels warning them of an attack, the Capitol releases footage of Peeta being tortured.Part 2: The AssaultKatniss is horrified by the way Peeta is being treated. The Capitol bombs District 13, just as Peeta warned it would. Citizens of District 13 retreat underground for several days. When it's all clear, Katniss makes another propo, while rebel teams go to rescue Peeta. The rebels get Peeta and some other folks out of the Capitol, but Peeta's been badly damaged. He's been "hijacked" (as in, brainwashed) and now thinks of Katniss as the enemy. As soon as he sees her, he tries to kill her. Not-so-happy reunion indeed.Once she recovers from Peeta's attack, Katniss needs to be part of the action. She heads back to District 2 and is part of a summit about whether to attack the other side humanely or inhumanely. Gale suggests some inhumane kinds of weapons and strategies. During the battle that follows, Katniss gets shot. While recuperating, she bonds with another victor who we met in Catching Fire, Johanna, and witnesses the wedding of victors Finnick and Annie.After a second recovery, Katniss trains to be part of the fighting again. She, Gale, and Finnick are assigned to a special unit that will be filmed during combat and turned into more propos. Right before they go out into the field, Peeta's assigned to their unit too. Hmm. Is it just us, or does that seem like a bad idea?Part 3: The AssassinKatniss is afraid for her life. Though Peeta has improved a bit, he's still hijacked and hates Katniss. Her commander, Boggs, agrees that she should watch out. But Boggs is one of the first casualties. Before he dies, he gives her command of their unit. Katniss tells the others she has a secret mission to kill President Snow, and they follow her on what turns out to be a suicide mission. One by one, their team members are sacrificed as they make their way to the heart of the Capitol. Only five of them, including Katniss, Gale, and Peeta, are left by the time they reach it. Then those three get separated.During the ensuing battle, many innocent children die. Members of the rebels' medical team, including Prim, Katniss's sister, are also killed. Katniss is badly wounded again. On the positive side, the rebels have gained control and have captured President Snow. Katniss visits the imprisoned President Snow, who says she should blame President Coin (of the rebels) for the attack and Prim's death.And maybe he's right. It appears the rebels staged the final attack, and the weapon Gale made (you know, the one Katniss thought was inhumane) could have been the one that killed Katniss's sister. Katniss can't forgive him.In a meeting right before Snow's execution, President Coin says that the remaining Hunger Games victors must vote to determine whether or not the new rebel government should start up the Hunger Games again, as a way to punish the citizens of the Capitol for what they did to the citizens of the Districts. (Wait, we thought the rebels were fighting to end cruel practices like the Hunger Games?) Katniss votes in favor. In part because of Katniss's vote, the answer is yes - the Hunger Games will start again.Then it's time for Snow's execution. Katniss has the task of shooting him with her famous bow and arrow, but at the last minute, she kills Coin instead. Snow dies anyway.At this point, Katniss has a serious breakdown. Time passes, but she's pretty much in a fog. Later she learns that she was acquitted during her trial, and she's sent back to the ruined District 12, along with Haymitch and later Peeta. Gale disappears into another district.Over time, Katniss is able to grieve for her sister and the many others who died. As she begins to rebuild her life, she and Peeta restore a romantic relationship and eventually have children.

What happens in the Mockingjay book?

After her rescue by rebels, Katniss Everdeen reluctantly agrees to become "the Mockingjay", a symbol of the rebellion against the Capitol. As part of a deal, she demands that the leader of District 13, President Coin, grant immunity to all of the victors of the Hunger Games. She demands the right to kill President Snow herself, and asks for her family to keep their cat, Buttercup. In a daring rescue, Peeta Mellark and other victors are rescued from the Capitol. However, Peeta has been brainwashed into hating Katniss, and tries to kill her upon their reunion. The rebels take control of the districts and finally begin an assault on the Capitol itself, which Katniss is a part of. However, an assault on a "safe" Capitol neighborhood goes wrong, and Katniss and her team flee further into the Capitol with the intent of finding and killing President Snow. Eventually Katniss finds herself pressing on alone towards Snow's mansion, which has supposedly been opened to shelter Capitol children (but is actually intended to provide human shields for Snow). Afterwards, bombs placed in supply packages kill many of these children and a rebel medical team, including Katniss' sister Prim. President Snow is tried and found guilty, but he tells Katniss that the final assault that killed Primrose Everdeen was ordered by President Coin, not the Capitol. Katniss realizes that if this is true, the bombing may have been the result of a plan originally developed by her friend Gale. Katniss doubts this, but still realizes that she will never be able to look at Gale the same way, regardless of whether he was directly involved in Prim's death. Katniss remembers a conversation with Snow in which they promised not to lie to each other. When she is supposed to execute Snow, she realizes that he was telling the truth and kills Coin instead. A riot ensues and Snow is found mysteriously dead, having possibly choked on his own blood or trampled by the crowd. Katniss is acquitted due to her apparent insanity and returns to her home in District 12. Peeta returns soon after as well, having recovered immensely from his brainwashing. In the epilogue, Katniss speaks as an adult, more than fifteen years later. She is married to Peeta and they have two children. The Hunger Games are over, but she dreads the day her children's innocent world is shattered by learning the details of their parents' involvement in both the Games and the war. When she feels upset, Katniss has taken to reminding herself of every good thing that she has ever seen someone do.

Related questions

Who visits Katniss in the Justice building?

Her mother, Prim, Peeta's father, and Gale.

What is the chapter 3 in Hunger Games about?

In Chapter 3 of The Hunger Games Katniss and Peeta are talon into custody by the Peacekeepers. Katniss says her goodbyes, and Madge who gives her the Mockingjay pin for her token. After the visits Katniss and Peeta are taken to a train where they are fed. They also watch recaps of the Reapings.

Who all comes and visits katniss in the hunger games?

Prim and Katnisses mother, Gale Hawthorne and Peetas father

Who visits Katniss and gives her cookies in hunger games?

Peeta's father comes to visit her and promises to look out for Prim after she recieves the cookies from him

Who gave katniss the mockingjay pin in the book the hunger games?

Madge Undersee.Madge Undersee was the mayor's daughter, and one of Katniss's closest friends, though she was never really sure of this fact due to Madge's shy quietness.In The Hunger Games, while in the visiting room before deporting to the Capitol, Madge visits Katniss and gives her the Mockingjay pin, which used to be Madge's aunt's, Maysilee Donner, as her District 12 token. Madge then kissed Katniss on the cheek shyly and left.Note: In the film adaption of The Hunger Games, Prim, Katniss's sister, gives her the Mockingjay pin after Katniss purchases it for Prim for good luck.

Where do Peeta Mellark and Katniss go for their training sessions?

She goes to knot tying, fire building, the shelter station, (lunch) edible insect station, hammock making, sword training, fishing and the archery range.

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What is the third book of the Hunger Games about and what happens in it?

Part 1: The AshesKatniss takes stock of her new position as a rebel in District 13. She and a few others were extracted from the Quarter Quell (Katniss's second Hunger Games adventure), but Peeta wasn't one of them - he's still missing, under control of the Capitol. Katniss is still haunted by President Snow. After much angst, she decides to be the figurehead, the Mockingjay, for the rebel side. In return, she gets immunity for her friends and permission to kill Snow. Another Games victor, Beetee, makes Katniss a special weapon. Katniss has to star in commercials for the rebel side, called propos. For one propo, she and a team that includes her old friend Gale are sent into District 2, where they see a hospital get destroyed. This inspires Katniss to call for justice. Because the rebels are gaining in strength, and because Peeta has sent out a coded message to the rebels warning them of an attack, the Capitol releases footage of Peeta being tortured.Part 2: The AssaultKatniss is horrified by the way Peeta is being treated. The Capitol bombs District 13, just as Peeta warned it would. Citizens of District 13 retreat underground for several days. When it's all clear, Katniss makes another propo, while rebel teams go to rescue Peeta. The rebels get Peeta and some other folks out of the Capitol, but Peeta's been badly damaged. He's been "hijacked" (as in, brainwashed) and now thinks of Katniss as the enemy. As soon as he sees her, he tries to kill her. Not-so-happy reunion indeed.Once she recovers from Peeta's attack, Katniss needs to be part of the action. She heads back to District 2 and is part of a summit about whether to attack the other side humanely or inhumanely. Gale suggests some inhumane kinds of weapons and strategies. During the battle that follows, Katniss gets shot. While recuperating, she bonds with another victor who we met in Catching Fire, Johanna, and witnesses the wedding of victors Finnick and Annie.After a second recovery, Katniss trains to be part of the fighting again. She, Gale, and Finnick are assigned to a special unit that will be filmed during combat and turned into more propos. Right before they go out into the field, Peeta's assigned to their unit too. Hmm. Is it just us, or does that seem like a bad idea?Part 3: The AssassinKatniss is afraid for her life. Though Peeta has improved a bit, he's still hijacked and hates Katniss. Her commander, Boggs, agrees that she should watch out. But Boggs is one of the first casualties. Before he dies, he gives her command of their unit. Katniss tells the others she has a secret mission to kill President Snow, and they follow her on what turns out to be a suicide mission. One by one, their team members are sacrificed as they make their way to the heart of the Capitol. Only five of them, including Katniss, Gale, and Peeta, are left by the time they reach it. Then those three get separated.During the ensuing battle, many innocent children die. Members of the rebels' medical team, including Prim, Katniss's sister, are also killed. Katniss is badly wounded again. On the positive side, the rebels have gained control and have captured President Snow. Katniss visits the imprisoned President Snow, who says she should blame President Coin (of the rebels) for the attack and Prim's death.And maybe he's right. It appears the rebels staged the final attack, and the weapon Gale made (you know, the one Katniss thought was inhumane) could have been the one that killed Katniss's sister. Katniss can't forgive him.In a meeting right before Snow's execution, President Coin says that the remaining Hunger Games victors must vote to determine whether or not the new rebel government should start up the Hunger Games again, as a way to punish the citizens of the Capitol for what they did to the citizens of the Districts. (Wait, we thought the rebels were fighting to end cruel practices like the Hunger Games?) Katniss votes in favor. In part because of Katniss's vote, the answer is yes - the Hunger Games will start again.Then it's time for Snow's execution. Katniss has the task of shooting him with her famous bow and arrow, but at the last minute, she kills Coin instead. Snow dies anyway.At this point, Katniss has a serious breakdown. Time passes, but she's pretty much in a fog. Later she learns that she was acquitted during her trial, and she's sent back to the ruined District 12, along with Haymitch and later Peeta. Gale disappears into another district.Over time, Katniss is able to grieve for her sister and the many others who died. As she begins to rebuild her life, she and Peeta restore a romantic relationship and eventually have children.

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