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Q: Who was George Ellery Hale's wife?
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Where was George Ellery Hales Born?

chicago illinois

When was George Ellery Hale born?

George Ellery Hale was born on June 29, 1868.

What is George Ellery Hale's birthday?

George Ellery Hale was born on June 29, 1868.

When did George Ellery Hale die?

George Ellery Hale died on February 21, 1938 at the age of 69.

How did george ellery hale die?

George Ellery Hale died from having heart trouble at the age 69.

How old was George Ellery Hale at death?

George Ellery Hale died on February 21, 1938 at the age of 69.

How old was george ellery hale when he died?

George Ellery Hale (June 29, 1868-February 21, 1938) was 69 when he died in Pasadena California.

What did George Ellery make famous?

he was really famous

Where is George Ellery Hale Birthplace?

he was born in chicago ,illinois

What did george ellery hale make famous?

he was really famous

Where did George Ellery Hale work?

he worked at mt. wilson observatory

What is George Ellery Hale's favorite music?

classical. it soothed his headaches.