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Nikolo Tesla famous for the tesla machine that make ur hair stand on end and an not entirely proven earthquake machine. Notably the FBI of the day took all the paper work relating to it and to this day it's have not released whether or not tesla actually caused a small earthquake in New York or was it just a coincidence......

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Q: Who is a famous scientist who used electricity to invent things?
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A scientist and explorer can DISCOVER but a scientist can DISCOVER and INVENT

What did Thomas Edison do to help the people?

He didn't invent electricity, but a means to use it with things like the light bulb that differed from his closest competitor Tesla. No one invented electricity.

What did Albert invent?

Albert Instine envented many things, his most famous was electricity. Another famous envention was gravitational pull. He also discovered the potato in South Africa when visiting Nelson Mandela.

When did Edison invent electricity?

He didn't invent electricity, but a means to use it with things like the light bulb that differed from his closest competitor Tesla. No one invented electricity. Electricity was there all along in nature. Benjamin Franklin discovered that lightening was electricity.

If you become a scientist somedaywhatwould you want to discoverinventwhy?

if i become a scientist i will try to invent new things which are never been invented.

When did Thomas Edison invent electricity?

He didn't invent electricity, but a means to use it with things like the light bulb that differed from his closest competitor Tesla. No one invented electricity. Electricity was there all along in nature. Benjamin Franklin discovered that lightening was electricity.

Why is Thomas Edison a famous scientist?

Thomas Edison was famous because he invented things that scientist already invented.

What did Albert instine invent?

Albert Instine envented many things, his most famous was electricity. Another famous envention was gravitational pull. He also discovered the potato in South Africa when visiting Nelson Mandela.

Why might someone want to be a scientist?

You should be a scientist so you can invent stuff for the better. Also, to cure sicknesses and save other things.

What did Bengamin Franklin invent?

he showed people electricity . he created many things that use electricity such as a lightbulb. oh and BACK THEN THERE was no ELECRICITY

When and why did Benjamin Franklin invent electricity?

Ben Franklin did not invent electricity. He discovered it, along with a wide number of other scientist that had discovered various properties of the phenomena. He started experimenting with electricity in 1746. His famous kite experiment was in 1752.