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Only male children could. The order was page @ age 7, squire @ age 10, and a knight @ 20-24. A male of noble birth could become a knight but the farthest a peasant could go is a being a squire. God Bless!!

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Q: Who was eligible to become a knight?
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What made someone eligible to become a knight?

They have to become a page or a squire before they become a knight

How do you become eligible to become a knight?

Go see my home dog Queen!

How could a serf or peasant become a knight?

Later in Midievil Life a knight had to provide for his own arms, armor, horses and retainers and money-based economies became more common. Rich peasants and merchants began angling for the title of knight as well. In 13th century England, if a man was free and could take up arms and pay the "knight's fee," he was eligible to become a knight.:D Vigorously awesome.

Did Chaucer become a knight?

No, Geoffrey Chaucer did not become a knight.

Could any kind of boy become a knight?

A boy had to be son of a knight to become a knight.

Who was eligible to become a knight in middle ages?

In general, the people who became knights were the sons of nobility and knights. Technically, the king of a country could knight anybody, and everyone was eligible in that sense. There are records of people being knighted who were not members of the nobility, and there are records of women being knighted. There is a link below to a question about women knights. Some of the women described in the answer were not members of the nobility.

How did knight become knight?

Silly question

What did the boys do to become a knights?

The only why to become a knight is if your father was a knight or you did something very very good and the lord will make you into a knight

What age would a squire become a knight?

It took 11 to 15 years to become a knight

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What percent were eligible to become members of the smaller Council of 500

How to become a knight?

You have to be knighted.

How is a knight chosen?

A knight is chosen when a squire wants to become one.