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The Egyptian god of mummification, or embalmment, was Anubis (Anpu in Egyptian). Anubis was usually depicted as a man with a black head of a jackal, but is sometimes seen as just a man or a black jackal. He was in charge of preparing the dead for the afterlife. His father was Set, the god of death/evil, and his mother is still unknown to this day.

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Q: Who was jackal headed god of mummification?
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Anubis was the Egyptian God of mummification and the afterlife in Egyptian mythology. He was a jackal-headed god, with a human body. Anubis is also known as Inpu, Anup, Anpu and Ienpw.

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The god's name is Anubis. He is a jackal-headed god (dog-headed).

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I don't know of any, but Anubis the god of mummification has the head of a jackal.

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