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Q: Who was the Aztec emperor when the conquistadors showed up?
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How did the Aztec empire end up?

Hernan Cortez and his army of Spanish conquistadors conquered the Aztecs.

How did 200 spanish soldiers concre the Aztec empire?

since the Aztec were not nice to their native tribes cortez and his 200 men and also the Inca and Mayan ganged up and destroyed them 1 and 2 is that the Aztec want to capture to conquistadors not kill them while the conquistadors mission was to destroy them.

When was the aztec empire at the height of its power?

Up until contact with Hernan Cortes and his Spanish conquistadors on November 8, 1519.

How were the spanish able to conquer the Aztec empire and the Inca empire?

Cortez was thought to be a returned emperor from the Aztec past that promised to come back one day and return to his thrown. With this belief the Aztecs didn't put up as much of a fight as they otherwise would have. Cortez also received support from other neighboring tribes. Later Conquistadors defeated the Inca by tricking their emperor into a special banquet where they ambushed him. After the ambush the other Inca having seen their leader seized actually gave up the fight. They used the emperor by making him give orders to his people.

How were the Spanish able to conquer the Incas and Aztec empires?

Cortez was thought to be a returned emperor from the Aztec past that promised to come back one day and return to his thrown. With this belief the Aztecs didn't put up as much of a fight as they otherwise would have. Cortez also received support from other neighboring tribes. Later Conquistadors defeated the Inca by tricking their emperor into a special banquet where they ambushed him. After the ambush the other Inca having seen their leader seized actually gave up the fight. They used the emperor by making him give orders to his people.

Why did the Aztec empire remain politically unstable?

Because the Aztecs didn't set up their own rulers in the conquered territories. They allowed the old government to stay in power as long as they payed tribute and were loyal to the Aztec emperor. Without an Aztec in power in the conquered city states, some of them could rise against the Aztecs, as they did when the empire fell to the hands of the Spanish conquistadors

Why do we know more about Aztec than about other south and central American societies?

they were alive when euroupe showed up

Why do we know more about the Aztec than about other south and central?

The Aztec civilization left behind significant records in the form of written codices and accounts by Spanish conquistadors. Additionally, extensive archaeological work has been conducted at their capital city of Tenochtitlan. In contrast, some other civilizations in South and Central America may not have left as many written records or have had as much archaeological investigation.

Why do we know more about the Aztec than about other South and Central American societies?

There are several reasons why we may know more about the Aztecs compared to other South and Central American societies. One reason is that the Aztec civilization left behind extensive written records in the form of pictorial codices. Additionally, the Spanish conquistadors who encountered the Aztecs documented their customs and rituals, contributing to our knowledge. Finally, the Aztecs' capital city, Tenochtitlan, was a major urban center that captured the attention of European explorers and historians.

What effect did the invasion by the Spanish conquistadors have on the Aztec way of life and civilization?

The Spanish invasion completely destroyed the Aztec civilization. Its religion was utterly destroyed and only continues to this day in the small corruptions that Aztec belief has made in the local syncretic versions of the Catholic faith (including some holidays like Dia de los Muertos). The Aztec lifestyle was completely up-ended, from their warrior traditions, to their religion, to their health (over 60% of the Aztec population is estimated to have died from diseases in the first two centuries of the colonization), and to their status (where Aztecs were relegated to a place just above slaves).

How could you move up in the Aztec society?

you can move up in Aztec society by being born into th erights of a human being

What were Aztec writings made up of?
