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Kathryn Sullivan

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Kathryn D. Sullivan was the first American woman to walk in space in 1984 as part of Space Shuttle Challenger mission STS-41G.

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Q: Who was the first American woman to walk on space?
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Edward White became the first American to walk in space on June 3, 1965.

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Who was the first American to walk in space happen?

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Who was the first African American to travel in space?

Guion Bluford was the first African-American to actually make it to space. Other African Americans were chosen to be astronauts before him, but they didn't make it to space. Robert H. Lawrence Jr. would have been the first, but he was killed in a jet accident during a training exercise.Bernard A. Harris, Jr. was the first African-American to walk in space.Mae Jemison was the first Black woman in space.

Who was the 1st woman to walk in space?

The first woman to walk in space was Svetlana Savitskaya from the Soviet Union on July 25th 1984 whilst serving a tour of duty on the Salyut 7 space station. She was outside the station for 3 hours 35 minutes. The first woman to fly into space was Valentina Tereshkova from Soviet Russia on June 16th 1963.