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First of all it depends on what type of answer are you looking for

A. Pure Science B. Religious, Because Both go in their own ways since Science says that earth is born form particle dust, Whereas in Religion says that God created Adam and Eve. So it depends on which and what person you ask.

This is a multiple answer question: A/ First gods were Uranus and Gaea. Their children were titans and titanesses [Τιτάνες και Τιτανίδες]. Cronus, one of the titans killed Uranus and created the second kingdom. He married Rhea. The third realm was created by Zeus his son after he killed him. Zeus freed his brothers and sisters and married Hera and ruled the universe. It is greek mythology. B/ God created the universe and every known and unknown creature on earth and place Adam and Eve in Paradise. Satan lured Eve to taste the forbidden fruit of knowledge. Eve lured Adam and both lost their innocence and were expelled from the Paradise. After that humans suffer until the end of time when the Messiah/ Jesus Christ will come for the second time to fight the evil. In the final stage of the day of the judgment everybody will be judged according to his deeds and some will join the Paradise and some will be expelled in the eternal fire. This is The Bible which is valued by the three western civilization religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam. C/ There are all the eastern religions describing in a similar way of life creation and development that leads to the salvation of each individual spirit where love and light is abundant. and Science says that our solar system was born from a big bang theory ( In which earlier scientists which now the new scientists are proving that even that is wrong) soif that is really true, what is the real answer to it ? Well the answer to this would be if you can answer to this following question you can answer your question yourself which is first ? -> The Tree or The Seed ? or The Egg or the bird ? since there is no real answer to these type of questions since no one was there or no evidance is there to prove it...

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Western religious tradition states that God created Adam and Eve. All other people are their descendants. See the Related Link.

Were we created?

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It is impossible to definitively identify the first person alive in the world. The concept of a "first person" is complex due to the gradual evolution of humans over time.

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