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edwin kiuper

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Q: Who was the first scientist to study the evolution of emotion?
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What do scientist use often to study macro evolution?

The fossil record

Why might scientist study evolution?

A scientist may study evolution in order to understand current species of organisms, and what the future of said species may be. Evolution is a direct gateway from the past to the present allowing scientists to understand everything from genetic structures - to geographic activity.

Who was the first scientist to study the cells of plants?

Robert Hooke was the first scientist to study plant cells.

Who was the first scientist to study plankton?

The fist scientist to study plankton was Victor Hanson.

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the first people to study chemistry were

The first scientist to study plankton was?

Victor Hensen was the first scientist to study plankton. He was a German zoologist and lived from 1835 to 1924.

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yes they are the people that study cosmotology which is the study of astronomy that is focused in the origin, structure, and evolution in space and time of the physical universe.

The first scientist study the cell?

Robert hooke

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samantha robert

Was Dalton the first scientist to study matter?

no Democritus

Who are the people study about evolution?

Biologists, paleontologists, geneticists, and anthropologists are some of the scientists who study evolution. They analyze fossils, genetic data, and comparative anatomy to understand how species evolved over time. The theory of evolution was proposed by Charles Darwin in the 19th century, and his ideas laid the foundation for the study of evolution.

Who was the scientist who first used a telescope to study astronomy?
