

Who was the first us billionare?

Updated: 1/9/2023
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12y ago

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John D. Rockefeller was the first person in the United States to have a net worth of more than a billion dollars. He made his fortune in the oil industry, and was also known for his philanthropy.

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Solly Mashishi

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john Rockefeller

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How did Henry Lea Hillman become a billionare?

Lucky sperm club, for starters.

Why is an American billionaire not as rich as an English Billionaire?

Because English pounds are worth more than US dollars. You can have a billion US dollars, and it only converts into 520 million English pounds. Also a British billion is a million million and an American billion is only a thousand million. You can be a billionaire in Vietnam Dong by converting only 63,000 USD, and be one of the poorest billionaires in the world! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If I'm not mistaken, this comes from the old saying "You're not a billionare, unless you are an English billionare." The reason for this, is because in the US, and in England, 1 billion is a different number. In America (not sure about the rest of the world) A billion, is 1,000,000,000 (1 thousand Million). In England, a billion, is 1,000,000,000,000. (1 Million, Million). Although when you hear the number mentioned in the newspapers or wherever, they tend to use the American billion.

Who was the first to have a billion US dollars in cash?

Sir christoper gearan was the first to make a bllion us dollars in cash by opening the biggetst chian of football suppliers

Who was the first Chief of the US Forest Service?

Gifford Pinchot

Who were the first immigrants to what is now the US?

It appears the first immigrants to the US were the Assyrian's around 620 B.C.E. They used the land for gold and other natural resources. However, becaus of great competition at that time, traders would never document their sources of supply. Therefore, we can never really know who the first to arrive in the US were!

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