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June Douglas

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1mo ago

Wilhelm Wundt is often considered the founder of psychology, as he established the first experimental psychology laboratory in 1879 in Leipzig, Germany. His work focused on studying the mind through scientific methods and laid the foundation for modern psychology as a separate scientific discipline.

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Q: Who was the founder of psychology?
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Who is the founder of the humanistic psychology and creator of the hierarchy of needs?

Abraham Maslow is the founder of humanistic psychology and creator of the hierarchy of needs. Maslow's theory posits a hierarchy of five needs that individuals must satisfy in order to achieve self-actualization.

Who discover the psychology?

Psychology is a field that has developed over time with contributions from many individuals. However, Wilhelm Wundt is often credited as the founder of modern psychology for establishing the first psychology laboratory in 1879 in Germany.

Who is the Founder of psychoanalytic psychology?

Sigmund Freud is considered the founder of psychoanalytic psychology. He developed a theory of the human mind and behavior, emphasizing the role of unconscious processes and childhood experiences in shaping personality and mental health. Freud's work has had a significant impact on the field of psychology.

Who is the acknowledged founder of psychology as a separate field of study?

Wilhelm Wundt is often considered the acknowledged founder of psychology as a separate field of study. He established the first psychology laboratory in Leipzig, Germany in 1879, where he conducted experiments to study human consciousness and perception. His work laid the foundation for modern psychology as a scientific discipline.

Where was official birthplace of psychology?

The official birthplace of psychology is considered to be Germany, specifically the University of Leipzig in the late 19th century. Wilhelm Wundt is often credited as the founder of psychology as a formal discipline through his establishment of the first psychology laboratory in 1879.

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Who is the founder of modern psychology?

Kurt lewin (1890-1947) is universally known as the founder of modern psychology.

Who is the finder of psychology?

The founder of psychology was Austrian physician Sigmund Freud.

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The founder of humanistic psychology is?

Abraham Maslow.

Who is the founder of the humanistic psychology and creator of the hierarchy of needs?

Abraham Maslow is the founder of humanistic psychology and creator of the hierarchy of needs. Maslow's theory posits a hierarchy of five needs that individuals must satisfy in order to achieve self-actualization.

Was carl Jung the first person to develop analytical psychology?

Yes, he was the founder of analytic psychology, as Freud first developed psychoanalysis, and Adler found individual psychology.

William James?

founder of functionalism, also the first to publish a psychology textbook.

Who is the acknowledge founder of psychology as a separate field of study?

Wilhe, Wundt#Plato

Who discover the psychology?

Psychology is a field that has developed over time with contributions from many individuals. However, Wilhelm Wundt is often credited as the founder of modern psychology for establishing the first psychology laboratory in 1879 in Germany.

Who is the Founder of psychoanalytic psychology?

Sigmund Freud is considered the founder of psychoanalytic psychology. He developed a theory of the human mind and behavior, emphasizing the role of unconscious processes and childhood experiences in shaping personality and mental health. Freud's work has had a significant impact on the field of psychology.

Who is closely associated with the Humanistic approach?

Abraham Maslow is considered the founder of humanistic psychology.

Who is the acknowledged founder of psychology as a separate field of study?

Wilhelm Wundt is often considered the acknowledged founder of psychology as a separate field of study. He established the first psychology laboratory in Leipzig, Germany in 1879, where he conducted experiments to study human consciousness and perception. His work laid the foundation for modern psychology as a scientific discipline.