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Q: Who was the inventor of the first successful flying machine?
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Who created the first flying machine?

The first flying machines were made by the two American brothers the Wright Brothers, they flew it for the first time at Kitty Hawk. Actually, that was the first "successful" flying machine. The actual first flying machines were created, although they were not "patented," nor were they successful, by Leonardo da Vinci.

Who invented the very first successful flying machine and was a us citizen?

the write brothers.

How did ABBAs ibn Firnas make the first flying machine?

Abbas Ibn Firnas lived from the years 810-887 as a chemist, humanitarian and technologist and is often credited as the inventor of the first flying machine. He built a glider of his own design in 875 and launched himself from a mountain when he was 65 years old. His flight was mostly successful, but his landing injured his back.

Who invented the first flying machine?

In 9th century and Year 875, The Muslim inventor Abbas ibn Firnas invent the First Flying Machine in the history -- hundreds of years before da Vinci drew plans of his own.

Who is the first inventor of machine?

Cavemen, the wheel.

The inventor of the first successful airplane?

It should be the Wright brothers.

Which country was founder of the helicopter?

France developed the first model of the helicopter. It was first invented by Paul Cornu, a french inventor. Some say the invention of the helicopter was inspired by Leonardo Da Vinci's flying machine.

When did Alexander Graham Bell invent the flying machine?

Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. The Wright brothers created the first successful powered aircraft.

Are hot air balloons the first flying machines to be invented?

No, hot air balloons were not the first flying machines invented. The first successful flying machine is attributed to the Montgolfier brothers who developed the hot air balloon in the 1780s. Other inventions such as kites and early gliders predate the hot air balloon.

What did the wright brothers invent .?

They invented the three axis control so the airplane can keeps it's equilibrium while flying. The very first practical AIRPLANE was invented by Wright brothers. They were inspired by the birds and invented this flying machine which can be used by humans in December,1903.

When was the first bottle rocket made?

The first bottle rocket was invented in the 13th century by a Chinese inventor named Wan Hu. He is said to have attached a chair to a large number of rockets in an attempt to create a flying machine.