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Q: Who was the main character in into the woods?
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Who is hollis woods?

Hollis is the main character

Who is the protagonist in the pictures of hollis woods?

Hollis Woods since she is the main character

What is the name of the main character in Legally blonde?

Her name is Elle Woods.

Who was the character in little house in the big woods?

The main character was "Laura" who was the author herself at the age of five.

Who is Anya in the book a week in the woods?

Mark is the main character in the book, A Week in the Woods, and Anya is one of his two nannies. The book's author is Andrew Clements.

What are Tiger Woods's character traits?

funny and a

What is a minor character who helps a main character?

A minor character who helps a main character is almost like the companion of the main character or had something to do with helping the main character in a period of time....That is what a minor character who helps the main character is

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How was the woods introduced in The Hunger Games?

In Hunger Games Woods were introduces in the first book (hunger Games) and the woods are basically what saves the main character from starving in the district she lives in ... It was introduced as a place for hope and surviving what comes before them

What is the point of view in The pictures of Hollis Woods?

The point of view in "The Pictures of Hollis Woods" is third-person limited. The story is narrated by an omniscient voice that follows the thoughts and feelings of the main character, Hollis Woods, but also provides insights into other characters in the story.

Was woods from black ops real?

He was a fictional character.

Is there a main character in ssbb?

Yes!there is a main character,The main character is Mario and he is nintendos mascot