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1st- Mary Ingalls, 2nd- Laura Ingalls, 3rd- Caroline "Carrie" Ingalls, 4th- Charles Frederick "Freddie" Ingalls (died at 9 months of age) 5th Grace Ingalls

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Laura Ingalls Wilder was the second of five children. Her siblings were Mary, Caroline, Charles, and Grace.

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Laura Ingalls had an older sister named Mary. Mary lost her sight in 1879.

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Who was Laura Ingalls Wilders Father and Mother?

Laura Ingalls Wilder's father was Charles Ingalls and her mother was Caroline Ingalls. They were pioneers who raised Laura and her siblings on the American frontier, which inspired Laura's famous "Little House" book series.

How children did Laura ingalls wilders have?

Laura Ingalls Wilder had 2 children. Rose, who was a famous author in her own right , was born on December 5,1886. Laura's second and last child was an unnamed baby boy who died twelve days after birth in 1889.Two: A daughter Rose, and a son who died in infancy before he could be named.

Where is Laura Ingalls Wilder birth place?

Laura Elizabeth Ingalls was born on February 7, 1867 near Pepin, Wisconsin.

What was the name of Laura ingalls wilders child?

Laura Ingalls Wilder had one daughter named Rose Wilder Lane. Rose was a writer and journalist, known for her collaboration with her mother on the Little House book series.

How did Laura Wilders son die?

Laura Ingalls Wilder's only son, who was named Charles Frederick Ingalls, passed away as an infant just nine days after his birth. The cause of his death was not specifically documented, but it is believed to have been due to an illness or infection that was common during that time period.

Did Laura Ingalls Wilder have any sons?

Laura had one son but he died unnamed several days after birth.

Why did Laura ingalls son die?

Laura suffered from diptheria during her pregnancy. He died of birth defects caused by this.

What was Laura Ingalls Wilder's middle name?

Laura Elizabeth Ingalls Wilder or Bess Actually her nickname was given to her by Almanzo Wilder, later to become her husband, was Beth. Not Bess. He gave her that nickname from her middle name Elizabeth. Laura's nickname for Almanzo was Manly, even though his friends called him Manny.

What were Laura secord's children's names?

Laura Secord's children were named Harriet, Charles, and Charlotte.

Did Laura ingalls have a baby girl she took care of when she was about 13?

No, Laura Ingalls did not have a baby girl that she took care of when she was 13. Laura Ingalls Wilder, the author of the "Little House on the Prairie" book series, did have a daughter named Rose Wilder Lane, but she was not born until Laura was an adult.

Laura Ingalls Wilder have any sons?

yes. but unfortunatly he died soon after birth and was not named.

What was Laura ingalls son's middle name?

he didnt have a name because he died shortly after birth.