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Ron Bass is listed as the statistical passing leader at South Carolina in 1976 and 1977 in the ESPN College Football Encyclopedia. kip pardue Kip Pardue

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Q: Who was the quarterback portrayed as Ronnie Bass in the movie 'Remember the Titans'?
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The Titans had two quarterbacks - Al Dorow and Johnny Green.

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Presently quarterback Matt Hasselback.

Who is the present quarterback of Tennessee Titans?

Vince Young.

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Steve McNair

What is Remember the Titans rated?

Remember the Titans (2000) is rated PG.

Who was the Tennessee Titans quarterback for the fourth quarter of the Pittsburgh Steelers game on September 19 2010?

Kerry Collins was the Titans quarterback in the 4th quarter. He replaced Vince Young.

What is Ryan Fitzpatrick most noted for?

There are many things that might remind one of Ryan Fitzpatrick. The part of his career that people remember him most for is that he is the quarterback for the Tennessee Titans.

When was Remember the Titans created?

Remember the Titans was created on 2000-09-29.

What was the Production Budget for Remember the Titans?

The Production Budget for Remember the Titans was $30,000,000.