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Q: Who was the serial killer with the booby trapped house?
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What are the release dates for Oh Snap I'm Trapped in the House with a Crazy Lunatic Serial Killer - 2008?

Oh Snap I'm Trapped in the House with a Crazy Lunatic Serial Killer - 2008 was released on: USA: 15 October 2008

How old is the killer dressed up as the joker in the new batman movie theater?

James Holmes. He killed 12 people and booby-trapped his house for the police.

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Jeff Daniel's character in Speed, Harry Temple, is killed as he leads a team to the bus bomber's suspected location. The house however is booby trapped, and Harry is killed in the explosion.

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Andrew cucanon a serial killer killed shot johnny versace in front of his house

Does the killer in scream 3 die?

Yes, the killer is Sydney's half brother Roman, when they are both trapped in a secret room in his house Sydney supposedly kills him with an icepick but then is actually killed when shot in the head by Dewey.

What serial killer buried his victims at his house?

Gordon Northcott was one. John Wayne Gacy another.

Which movie is about a teen living under house arrest who becomes convinced his neighbor is a serial killer?

Disturbia with Shia LaBeouf!!

What is the difference between a fictional serial killer like Michael Myers in Halloween and a real life serial killer?

I've never come face to face with a real serial killer, nor would i want to. The difference is, I'm pretty sure, a real serial killer would have to put up more of a fight for one, and the people that were chasing would have a little more common sense I mean think about it, if someone with a knife was chasing you through a house, would you run up the stairs? or down into the basement? NO! you would run out of the house screaming right? Second, unless you run, REALLY slow, a real serial killer, I'm pretty sure would have run after you, not walk at a normal pace and stay like 2 feet behind you at all times...

How do you booby trap my bedroom?

First, you have to find out who you want to get trapped. Second, if you hear any bad guys planning to go to your house, you make a battle plan. Follow the plan and make booby traps out of what is on your plan. Fourth, you shall hide where there is a phone and call the police. After you call the police, you should run to your neighbor's house if needed.

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