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Neil Alden Armstrong (Mission Commander), Michael Collins (Command Module Pilot) and Edwin Eugene Aldrin (Lunar Module Pilot (now his name has been changed to Buzz Aldrin)).

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14y ago
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14y ago

Buzz Aldrin (lunar module pilot) and Michael Collins (command module pilot).

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12y ago

buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins

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13y ago

If you are asking the crew of Apollo 1 , then Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins were with Neil Armstrong on the famous Apollo 11 moon mission.

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12y ago

go to cha cha answers

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10y ago

micheal collins and edward buzz

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14y ago

Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin and Michael Collins.

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Q: Who were Neil Armstrong's two companions on Apollo XI?
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What did neil Armstrong think when he got to the moon?

His feeling that is Neil Armstrongs was a amazing feeling of finally landing on the surface of the moon, but it was a bit scary as the two of them were all alone on the moon, and the future trip was uncertain.

Who piloted Apollo 11?

There were actually two pilots on board of Apollo 11, the command module pilot was Michael Collins, and Neil Armstrong was the commander of Apollo 11.

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Beside Neil Armstrong there were two other astronauts on Apollo 11 , they were Michael Collins and Edwin Aldrin.

What was the space ship did neil Armstrong go in?

Neil Armstrong first went into space aboard Gemini 8 in 1966, where he performed the first manned docking of two spacecraft. And also in July 20, 1969 he was the mission commander for the Apollo moon landing.

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Neil Armstrongs first wife Janet did not die, she divorced him. His second wife is named carrol.

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Neil Armstrong was a astronaut for a couple of years, he flew the Gemini two man spacecraft and later in 1969 the famous Apollo 11.

Which two men was on the Apollo 11 rocket?

There were actually three men, Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin Aldrin.

Who were the first three astronauts on the moon?

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin from Apollo 11 were the first two men to walk on the moon's surface. The third, from Apollo 12, was Pete Conrad.

Who were the first two astronauts on the moon?

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, on the NASA Apollo 11 mission, July 20, 1969.

Who was the other guy with Neil Armstrong when he went to space?

There were two others on the Apollo 11 with him: Edwin ( Buzz) Aldrin and Michael Collins

The two astronaut who walking on the moon for the 1st time are?

The first two astronauts who walked on the moon were Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, which were on the Apollo 11 mission.

How many astronauts went on the with Neil?

The Apollo 11 mission included Neil Armstrong and two other astronauts: Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins. Only Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon with him; Michael Collins remained in orbit of the moon aboard the Command Module.