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The first person to win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff of The Netherlands.
In 1901 the very first Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Jacobus H. van 't Hoff for his work on rates of reaction, chemical equilibrium, and osmotic pressure.

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Q: Who won first time Nobel Prize in Chemistry?
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Why and how did curium got its name?

It was named in honor of the French Nobel Laureate, Mme Marie Curie, who was one of very few two-time Nobel Prize winners. She did not discover Curium, but did isolate both Radium and Polonium.

What is Steven Chu famous for?

Steven Chu won the Nobel prize in 1997 for his work on cooling atoms with lasers. He later became the United States Secretary of Energy. He is a strong advocate of alternative energy and had managed to double renewable energy use in the U.S. during his time in office.

When was the first modern chemistry book made?

Antoine Lavoisier, a Frenchman working at the time of the French Revolution was the first to capture all the volumes and weights of reactants from start to finish to show that every component could be accounted for.

Why was chemistry invented?

chemistry wasn't really invented. In the MIddle ages there were people called ALchemists who were looking for a way to live forever and a way to turn common metals like iron into gold. The word Chemist comes from the latin word for alchemist, alchimista. Chemists are people who study energy and matter Chemistry is the study of composition, structure, and properties of matter. Chemistry is considered to be a physical science. There are over 30 types of chemistry. It wasn't really invented, it was formed from alchemy A chemist studies the composition of matter and its small-scale properties such as density and acidity. Chemists' work deals a lot with numbers, sizes, and properties. They do this to learn the composition, structure, reactivity, and other properties of elements, mixtures, and compounds. There are over 30 types of chemistry. The work chemist comes from the Latin word chimista, an abbreviation of alchemista, which is an alchemist. An alchemist is a person who tries to change a substance to some other substance (it started out with people trying to turn common metals like iron to gold). Chemistry is the study of composition, structure, and properties of matter. Chemistry is considered to be a physical science. There are over 30 types of chemistry. It wasn't really invented, it was formed from alchemy A chemist studies the composition of matter and its small-scale properties such as density and acidity. Chemists' work deals a lot with numbers, sizes, and properties. They do this to learn the composition, structure, reactivity, and other properties of elements, mixtures, and compounds. There are over 30 types of chemistry. The work chemist comes from the Latin word chimista, an abbreviation of alchemista, which is an alchemist. An alchemist is a person who tries to change a substance to some other substance (it started out with people trying to turn common metals like iron to gold).

Could you Enumerate and describe the branches of chemistry?

There are several branches of chemistry. Here is a list of the main branches of chemistry, with an overview of what each branch of chemistry studies.Agrochemistry- This branch of chemistry may also be called agricultural chemistry. It deals with the application of chemistry for agricultural production, food processing, and environmental remediation as a result of agriculture.Analytical Chemistry - Analytical chemistry is the branch of chemistry involved with studying the properties of materials or developing tools to analyze materials.Astrochemistry - Astrochemistry is the study of the composition and reactions of the chemical elements and molecules found in the stars and in space and of the interactions between this matter and radiation.Biochemistry - Biochemistry is the branch of chemistry concerned with the chemical reactions that occur inside living organisms.Chemical Engineering - Chemical engineering involves the practical application of chemistry to solve problems.Chemistry History - Chemistry history is the branch of chemistry and history that traces the evolution over time of chemistry as a science. To some extent, alchemy is included as a topic of chemistry history.Cluster Chemistry - This branch of chemistry involves the study of clusters of bound atoms, intermediate in size between single molecules and bulk solids.Combinatorial Chemistry - Combinatorial chemistry involves computer simulation of molecules and reactions between molecules.Electrochemistry - Electrochemistry is the branch of chemistry that involves the study of chemical reactions in a solution at the interface between an ionic conductor and an electrical conductor. Electrochemistry may be considered to be the study of electron transfer, particularly within an electrolytic solution.Environmental Chemistry - Environmental chemistry is the chemistry associated with soil, air, and water and of human impact on natural systems.Food Chemistry - Food chemistry is the branch of chemistry associated with the chemical processes of all aspects of food. Many aspects of food chemistry rely on biochemistry, but it incorporates other disciplines as well.General Chemistry - General chemistry examines the structure of matter and the reaction between matter and energy. It is the basis for the other branches of chemistry.Geochemistry - Geochemistry is the study of chemical composition and chemical processes associated with the Earth and other planets.Green Chemistry - Green chemistry is concerned with processes and products that eliminate or reduce the use or release of hazardous substances. Remediation may be considered part of green chemistry.Inorganic Chemistry - Inorganic chemistry is the branch of chemistry that deals with the structure and interactions between inorganic compounds, which are any compounds that aren't based in carbon-hydrogen bonds.Kinetics - Kinetics examines the rate at which chemical reactions occur and the factors that affect the rate of chemical processes.Medicinal Chemistry - Medicinal chemistry is chemistry as it applies to pharmacology and medicine.Nanochemistry - Nanochemistry is concerned with the assembly and properties of nanoscale assemblies of atoms or molecules.Nuclear Chemistry - Nuclear chemistry is the branch of chemistry associated with nuclear reactions and isotopes.Organic Chemistry - This branch of chemistry deals with the chemistry of carbon and living things.Photochemistry - Photochemistry is the branch of chemistry concerned with interactions between light and matter.Physical Chemistry - Physical chemistry is the branch of chemistry that applies physics to the study of chemistry. Quantum mechanics and thermodyamics are examples of physical chemistry disciplines.Polymer Chemistry - Polymer chemistry or macromolecular chemistry is the branch of chemistry the examines the structure and properties of macromolecules and polymers and finds new ways to synthesize these molecules.Solid State Chemistry - Solid state chemistry is the branch of chemistry that is focused on the structure, properties, and chemical processes that occur in the solid phase. Much of solid state chemistry deals with the synthesis and characterization of new solid state materials.Spectroscopy - Spectroscopy examines the interactions between matter and electromagnetic radiation as a function of wavelength. Spectroscopy commonly is used to detect and identify chemicals based on their spectroscopic signatures.Thermochemistry - Thermochemistry may be considered a type of Physical Chemistry. Thermochemistry involves the study of thermal effects of chemical reactions and the thermal energy exchange between processes.Theoretical Chemistry - Theoretical chemistry applies chemistry and physics calculations to explain or make predictions about chemical phenomena.

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Did Robert boyle get a noble prize?

No, Robert Boyle did not receive a Nobel Prize because the Nobel Prizes were established after his time. Boyle was a prominent scientist known for his work in chemistry and physics during the 17th century, often referred to as the "father of modern chemistry."

What major award did Marie Curie receive?

She got two Nobel Prizes, one in physics and one in chemistry. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and the only woman who ever won in two fields! She won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1903 with her husband and Henri Becquerel. She won another Nobel Prize (on her own this time) in chemistry. She also won the Davy Medal of Royal Society in 1903, the Matteucci Medal in 1904, and the Elliott Cresson Medal in 1909.

Nobel Prize winners must be alive at the time of nomination?

No, Nobel Prize winners do not have to be alive at the time of nomination. The Nobel Prize can be awarded posthumously.

What year was Nobel Peace Prize first given?

The Nobel Prize has been awarded since 1901. The winners of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1901 were Henry Dunant and Frédéric Passy.See Web Links to the left for more information about the Nobel Prize.19011901The first Nobel Peace Prize was awarded on December 10, 1901. The Nobel Peace Prize was founded by Alfred Nobel (the inventor of dynamite).1901Henry Dunant, founder of the Red Cross, shared the first Nobel Peace Prize in 1901 with Frédéric Passy, a leading international pacifist of the time. In addition to humanitarian efforts and peace movements, the Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded for work in a wide range of fields including advocacy of human rights, mediation of international conflicts, and arms control.

Who won the Nobel Prize for economics in 1901?

The Nobel Prize in Economics was not one of the five prizes established by Alfred Nobel in 1895. However, it is presented at the same time as the others in Nobel's memory. It was established and funded in 1968 and first awarded in 1969.

The Nobel Prize money comes from where?


Why did Marie curie win th nobel prizes?

because she did Oh... not the Nobel Prize for Chemistry then..... Marie Curie actually won two Nobel Peace Prizes. In 1903, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in physics. In 1911, she was awarded a second Nobel Peace Prize, this time in chemistry. She was not only the first woman to receive two Nobel Peace Prizes, but she was also the very first person ( no woman or man had ever received two) to receive two prizes.

Who was awarded Nobel Prize both for Physics and for Chemistry?

Marie Curie a Polish physicist and chemist, working mainly in France, who is famous for her pioneering research on radioactivity. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, the only woman to win in two fields, and the only person to win in multiple sciences. In December 1903, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded Pierre Curie, Marie Curie and Henri Becquerel the Nobel Prize in Physics, "in recognition of the extraordinary services they have rendered by their joint researches on the radiation phenomena...". In 1911, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded her a second Nobel Prize, this time for Chemistry. This award was "in recognition of her services to the advancement of chemistry by the discovery of the elements radium and polonium, by the isolation of radium and the study of the nature and compounds of this remarkable element."

What woman scientist was the first person to win two nobel prizes?

Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin (1964 Chemistry)and Linda Buck (2004 Medicine - shared with Richard Axel)Marie and Pierre Curie shared the physics Nobel Prize with Becquerel for the discovery of radioacvtivity in 1903 and Marie received AA second Nobel Prize; this time in chemistry, for the isolation of pure Radium from pitchblende AND their daughter Irene Joliot-Curie shared the 1935 Nobel Prize for chemistry with her husband Frederic Joliot for producing the radioisotope of Nitrogen. ( what a mighty-fine family! )

The last Nobel Prize to be introduced was in which subject?

Economics (The Sveriges Riksbank (Bank of Sweden) celebrated its 300th anniversary in 1968 by donating a very large sum of money to the Nobel Foundation. The following year, the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences was awarded for the first time. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences became responsible for selecting a laureate for this prize. Although not technically a Nobel Prize, it is identified with the award; its winners are announced with the Nobel Prize recipients, and the Prize in Economic Sciences is presented at the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony. Subsequently, the Board of the Nobel Foundation decided that after this addition, it would allow no further new prizes.)

Who won Nobel Prize in 1903?

Marie Curie won a Nobel Prize in 1903, along with her husband Pierre. She won another one in 1911, alone this time, making her the first person to win 2 Nobel Prizes.

Did Theodore Roosevelt win the Nobel Peace Prize?

It was announced on October 9, 2009 that President Barack Obama won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.