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someone running for president

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Q: Who would most likely speak in a formal debate?
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Who would most likely speak in formal debate?

someone running for president

In which setting would a formal debate most likely take place?

A formal debate would most likely take place in educational institutions, such as schools and universities, or in professional settings like conferences or public forums.

How long did the Lincoln Douglas debates last?

There were seven debates between Lincoln and Douglas. The rules for each debate would be the same. One man would speak for an hour. His opponent would speak for an hour and a half. Then the first man would speak for half an hour and the debate would end. Douglas spoke first at the first debate.

How would someone from England speak in the 1800s?

In a very polite and formal way.

How is a formal debate different from a persuasive speech?

A formal debate includes an opponent - you are arguing one side against the other. A persuasive speech is simply a speech in which you are attempting to convince an audience or simply present one side to an issue of your interest, but it does not include a follow up from an opponent presenting the other side, which would then make it a debate.

On which radio station would you be most likely to find theological debate?

bbc 4

Would Stevens style of debate be likely to persuade opponents to accept his idea?


What room in a house would be most likely to have a formal style?

the dining room

Would Thaddeus Stevens style of debate be likely to persuade opponents to accept his ideas?


Which element would be least likely to appear in a Modernist novel?

formal sentence structure

In which situation would a writer most likely use formal language?

job application

What is the formal charge for H3S?

Such an ion would most likely carry a 1+ charge.