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The sea snake - since it has very powerful venom !

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Q: Who would win a sea snake or an eel?
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the snake will win.

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Who would win shark versus electric eel?

It would depend on the species of shark. If it was a baby shark that only ate small crabs and shrimps, the eel. If it was a great white shark then the shark.

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the snake will win because it is faster then the turtle.

Who would win a lion or a snake?

A snake because a snake can slither out. Really, if it's a rattlesnake it would win hands DOWN!!! but some snakes are so slow a lion would win. also if the snake was posinous and the lion ate him neather would win

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the eel because the eel would sting it before the lobster could strike at it.

Who would win, a rattlesnake or king cobra?

That depends on which snake it is, if its a cobra, the snake prolly win, if its a python snake, the lizard may win.. it all depends on what the snake is ^^

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the snake

Who would win between parrana and electric eal?

Electric Eel would win it could shock the pirhana to death

Who would win cat vs snake?

There are far too many different cats and snakes for there to be a single answer to that. Corn snake vs regular house cat - the cat would win. House cat vs grown Boa - the snake would win.

Who would win in a fight between solid snake and the T100?

solid snake

Snake vs horse who would win?

Horse. The horse would either run away or step on it. On the other hand, if the snake was venomous, it would bite the horse, leaving it to die. If the snake was a constrictor, the snake could win.