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Sophocles in "Oedipus Rex"

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Q: Who wroteLet every man in mankind frailty consider his last day and let none presume on his good fortune until he find life at his death a memory without pain?
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What is the meaning in 'Oedipus Rex' of 'Let every man in mankind's frailty consider his last day and let none presume on his good fortune until he find life at his death a memory without pain'?

No one is guaranteed smooth sailing through life is the meaning of 'Let every man in mankind's frailty consider his last day and let none presume on his good fortune until he find life at his death a memory without pain'. The ancient world is ruled by the gods. It's ironically symbolic that Zeus, as the king of the gods, carries a thunderbolt. In many ways, that's what life is to the ancient Greeks in such plays as 'Oedipus Rex'. Mortals are playthings of the gods. They're lucky if they aren't jumping up to avoid, or running away from, the thunderbolts that Zeus and his extended family send the way of all mortals.

What does hath shewn mean?

'Hath shewn' means the same as 'has shown'. As in, "experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed". Thomas Jefferson. 'Hath' means 'has' in the same way that 'doth' means 'does'. You can consider them abbreviations for 'haveth' and 'doeth'.

What are symbolic meaning does the character Dante most likely represent in the inferno?

He represents mankind -Apex

When did dance begin year?

Mankind has been dancing since we came down from the trees, so an exact date is impossible to determine.

What did the sound of the sea suggest to Sophocles in the poem Dover Beach?

'The turbid ebb and flow of human misery' In other words, all mankind's troubles.

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No one is guaranteed smooth sailing through life is the meaning of 'Let every man in mankind's frailty consider his last day and let none presume on his good fortune until he find life at his death a memory without pain'. The ancient world is ruled by the gods. It's ironically symbolic that Zeus, as the king of the gods, carries a thunderbolt. In many ways, that's what life is to the ancient Greeks in such plays as 'Oedipus Rex'. Mortals are playthings of the gods. They're lucky if they aren't jumping up to avoid, or running away from, the thunderbolts that Zeus and his extended family send the way of all mortals.

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