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It does not appear that the book The Genetical Theory of Evolution has ever been published anywhere, so it does not appear to have an author.

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The book "The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection" was written by British biologist Ronald Fisher and first published in 1930. Fisher's work laid the foundation for modern evolutionary Biology by applying statistical analysis to the study of genetics and natural selection.

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Q: Who wrote the book Genetical theory of Evolution?
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Who wrote the the theory of evolution?

It does not appear that the book The Genetical Theory of Evolution has ever been published anywhere, so it does not appear to have an author.

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Charles Darwin wrote the famous book "On the Origin of Species" in 1859. It introduced the scientific theory of evolution through natural selection.

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Charles Darwin wrote the book "On the Origin of Species" in 1859. It is a groundbreaking work that introduced the theory of evolution through natural selection.

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The theory of evolution was accepted by scientists in 1859, Darwin's first book was published the same year that his theory was accepted.

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Charles Darwin is best known for his work on the theory of evolution, outlined in his book "On the Origin of Species" published in 1859. Darwin proposed the idea of natural selection as the mechanism for evolutionary change.

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