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Q: Whom was Joseph a slave to in the Old Testament?
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One of pharaoh's officers who bought Joseph as a slave in the old testament?

He worked for Potiphar

Where is Joseph found in Old Testament?

Joseph can be found in the old testament , in the book of Genesis.

Who was restored to serve the pharaoh in the old testament?

It is Joseph.

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This is not an Old Testament question

Who was sold into slavery by his brothers in the Old Testament?

Joseph was sold to potiphar who was the second most important besides the pharoah

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What text type is Joseph sold by his brothers old testament?

The story of Joseph being sold by his brothers can be found in the Old Testament in the Book of Genesis. It is considered a narrative or historical text within the context of the Bible.

What did Joseph from the old testament wear?

Joseph wore a coat of many colours which made his elder brothers jealous.

Is Joseph the father of Jesus the same Joseph that is Jacob's son that was sold into slavery?

No, the Joseph who was sold into slavery in the Old Testament is not the same Joseph who was the father of Jesus in the New Testament. The Joseph in the New Testament is known as Joseph of Nazareth or Joseph the Carpenter, while the Joseph in the Old Testament is known as Joseph, the son of Jacob.

What did Joseph wear?

If it is Joseph from the old testament then , Joseph wore a coat of many colors. but the father of Jesus Joseph wore clothes shown by artists and their imagination.

Is Joseph the dreamer and the Joseph father of Jesus is only one person?

No, they are two different people. Joseph lived in the Old Testament times (see Genesis) and Joseph lived in New Testament times. (Joseph was not really the father of Jesus, God was, but Joseph was only his earthly father.)