

Whose death does Brutus sorrow

Updated: 12/19/2022
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Q: Whose death does Brutus sorrow
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How does brutus react to portia's death?

Portia dies by swallowing fire, or as we would say burning coal. Brutus reacts to her death is sorrow, but in calm sorrow - without weeping and such. He simply accepts her death and moves on.

Which value does Brutus illustrate in his reaction to his wife Portia's death?

Portia dies by swallowing fire, or as we would say burning coal. Brutus reacts to her death is sorrow, but in calm sorrow - without weeping and such. He simply accepts her death and moves on.

How does Cassius and Brutus react to the way portia dies?

Portia dies by swallowing fire, or as we would say burning coal. Brutus reacts to her death is sorrow, but in calm sorrow - without weeping and such. He simply accepts her death and moves on. Cassius is shocked and cannot stop thinking about Portia.

In The Iliad whose death brought Achilles much sorrow and grief?

The death of his best friend/comrade Patroclos.

According to brutus how did portia die?

Portia dies by swallowing fire, or as we would say burning coal. Brutus reacts to her death is sorrow, but in calm sorrow - without weeping and such. He simply accepts her death and moves on.

How does Cassius respond to the death of brutus?

Cassius does not respond to the death of Brutus as Cassius dies before Brutus does. Brutus responds to Cassius' death with tender words.

Whose servant arrives immediately after Caesars death?

Mark Antony's. He says to Brutus, "Thus, Brutus, did my master bid me kneel; thus did Mark Antony bid me fall down."

What is an important effect of Brutus's death?

Antony recognizes Brutus as noble and virtuous.

What does portia demand of Brutus?

Portia dies by swallowing fire, or as we would say burning coal. Brutus reacts to her death is sorrow, but in calm sorrow - without weeping and such. He simply accepts her death and moves on.

How do the conspirators feel after the murder of Julius Caesar?

they didn't felt anything until Antony's funeral speech,but after Antony's speech in which they were called butchers,the mob went against them as Antony succeeded in persuading them that Julius Caesar was loyal to them by showing them his will.The conspirators ran for there lives and flee from Rome.Brutus did suicide.

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Octavian/Augustus had nothing to do with the death of Brutus. Brutus committed suicide.

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