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Edouard Manet.

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Q: Whose unconventional approach to painting Luncheon on the Grass marked the first step away from realism and toward impressionism?
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What is the style of abstract Monet used?

His painting style was Impressionism. That is not Cubism.

Many artists of this movement wanted to move away from the emphasis of light and color to a more expressive approach to painting.?

post impressionism

What is imprreessionism?

Impressionism is a style of painting.

What is the painting style of M.F. Hussain?

he did cubist and unconventional painting

What important painting style did Monet invent?

Monet was a founding father of the painting style Impressionism.

Did Modigliani use impressionism?

No, he did not. Look at a Modigliani painting! Look at a Monet painting! You can see they are not similar.

Painting the sky with all the colors seen by the human eye indicates which style of painting?

the answer is Impressionism

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What kind of art did Monet do before Impressionism?

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What painting style does Vladimir Volegov use?

Romantic impressionism.

French poets responded to Impressionism in painting by developing a new literary style called?

French poets responded to Impressionism in painting by developing a new literary style called: Symbolism.

What has the author Beverly Whitney Kean written?

Beverly Whitney Kean has written: 'All the empty palaces' -- subject(s): Art collections, Art patronage, French Painting, History, Impressionism (Art), Influence, Painting, French, Post-impressionism (Art) 'French painters, Russian collectors' -- subject(s): Art collections, Art patronage, French Painting, History, Impressionism (Art), Influence, Painting, French, Post-impressionism (Art)